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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Office of the Public Advocate (PDF - 44k)

Submission 54 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1. Ms Jill Irvine Consumer Policy Framework Inquiry Productivity Commission PO Box 80 Belconnen ACT 2616 14 May 2007 Dear Ms Irvine Re: REVIEW OF AUSTRALIA’S CONSUMER POLICY FRAMEWORK Please find attached my submission for the purposes of the

Date received: 14 May 2007

Optus (PDF - 129k)

Submission 55 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Date received: 11 May 2007

Clubs Australia (PDF - 2066k)

Submission 45 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Date received: 11 May 2007

SA Council of Social Services Inc (PDF - 807k)

Submission 42 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

11 May 2007 Level 1. Torrens Building Tarndanyangga 220 Victoria Square Adelaide SA 5000 P. 08 8226 4111 F. 08 8226 4144 E. ABN 93 197 662 296. Jill Irvine Australian Government Productivity Commission PO Box

Date received: 11 May 2007

Eastern Access Community Health (PDF - 35k)

Submission 56 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1. Submission in response to the Productivity Commission’s Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework. Introduction The opportunity to respond to the Productivity Commission’s Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework is welcome.

Date received: 11 May 2007

Brotherhood of St Laurence (PDF - 136k)

Submission 47 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Brotherhood of St. Laurence submission Productivity Commission Consumer Policy. Framework. May 2007. Brotherhood of St Laurence submission. 2. 1 Background to the Brotherhood of St Laurence’s. interest in consumer policy. The Brotherhood of St

Date received: 11 May 2007

AGL Energy Limited (PDF - 35k)

Submission 57 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Tel: 02 9921 2999 Fax: 02 9921 2552 72 Christie Street St Leonards NSW 2065. AGL Energy Limited ABN 95 052 167 405 Locked Bag 1837 St Leonards NSW 2065 11 May 2007 Consumer Policy Inquiry Productivity Commission PO Box 80 Belconnen

Date received: 11 May 2007

Legal Aid Queensland (PDF - 24k)

Submission 51 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Initial Submission to Productivity Commission Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework. Legal Aid Queensland Page 1. Legal Aid Queensland (LAQ) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy

Date received: 11 May 2007

Wesley Community Legal Service (PDF - 28k)

Submission 37 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1. HOW THE CONSUMER POLICY FRAMEWORK AFFECTS PROBLEM GAMBLERS AND THEIR FAMILIES Richard Brading Wayne Warburton Principal Solicitor Financial Counsellor Wesley Community Legal Service National Financial Counsellors’Resource. Service. Introduction

Date received: 11 May 2007

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