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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Foresters ANA Mutual Society Ltd (PDF - 38k)

Submission 36 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1. Productivity Commission Review of Consumer Policy Submission by Foresters ANA Mutual Society Ltd Submitted by email on 11 May 2007 to 1. About the submitting organisation. Foresters ANA Mutual Society Ltd (Foresters) is an

Date received: 11 May 2007

Credit Ombudsman Service Limited (PDF - 111k)

Submission 53 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Credit Ombudsman Service Limited. Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Australia’s Consumer Policy. Framework and its administration Raj Venga 11 May 2007. ABN 59 104 961 882. 1. Executive Summary. Submission 1. Regulation of

Date received: 11 May 2007

Dr Luke Nottage (PDF - 51k)

Submission 61 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1. The University of Sydney Faculty of Law. Dr Luke Nottage Senior Lecturer Co-Director, Australian Network for Japanese Law Direct Line: 61 2 9351 0210. 173 – 175 Phillip Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia. DX 983, Sydney Facsimile: 61 2 9351 0200

Date received: 11 May 2007

Standards Australia (PDF - 1285k)

Submission 44 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Standards Australia Limited ABN 85 087 326 690 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone 61 2 8206 6000 Facsimile 61 2 8206 6001 19-25 Raglan Street South Melbourne VIC 3205 Telephone 61 3 9693 3520 Facsimile: 61 3 9693 3584

Date received: 11 May 2007

National Childrens and Youth Law Centre (PDF - 89k)

Submission 40 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

James McDougall Director. National Children's &Youth Law Centre Phone 61 (0) 2 9385 9588. Fax 61 (0) 2 9385 9589 Mobile 61 (0) 419 243 179. Email Website 11 May 2007 Commissioners Productivity Commission PO

Date received: 11 May 2007

Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Office (PDF - 144k)

Submission 41 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1. 11 May 2007. The Australian Network of Environmental. Defender’s Offices (ANEDO) consists of nine. independently constituted and managed community. environmental law centres located in each State and. Territory of Australia. Each EDO is

Date received: 11 May 2007

Communications Alliance Limited (PDF - 272k)

Submission 50 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

COMMUNICATIONS. ALLIANCE LTD. Level 9. 32 Walker Street. North Sydney. NSW 2060 Australia. P.O.Box 444. Milsons Point. NSW 1565. T 61 2 9959 9111. F 61 2 9954 6136. TTY 61 2 9923 1911 ABN 56 078 026 507. 14 May 2007. Jill

Date received: 11 May 2007

Vinjaya Nagarajan (PDF - 114k)

Submission 48 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Nagarajan, Submission to the Productivity Commission 1. SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISISON INQUIRY ON CONSUMER POLICY FRAMEWORK This submission welcomes the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry. It commends the Productivity Commission on its

Date received: 11 May 2007

Motor Trades Association of Australia (PDF - 233k)

Submission 43 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Motor Trades Association of Australia. Motor Trades Association House, 39 Brisbane Avenue, Barton ACT 2600 PO Box 6273, Kingston, ACT 2604. Telephone: 61 2 6273 4333. Facsimile: 61 2 6273 2738. Email: A.B.N. 66 008 643 561.

Date received: 11 May 2007

Commonwealth Consumer Affairs Advisory Council (CCAAC) (PDF - 119k)

Submission 38 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

CCAAC Secretariat Consumer Policy Framework Unit. The Treasury PARKES ACT 2600. Telephone: (02) 6263 2987 Facsimile: (02) 6263 3964. COMMONWEALTH CONSUMER AFFAIRS ADVISORY COUNCIL (CCAAC). SUBMISSION TO. THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INQUIRY INTO

Date received: 11 May 2007

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