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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Lynden Griggs (PDF - 121k)

Submission 18 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission Issues Paper, January 2007. Consumer Policy Framework. Lynden Griggs. Introduction. 1. Consumer policy has a long history. With evidence from ancient Rome that warranties. were implied against latent defects,

Date received: 3 Apr 2007

Peter Brohier (PDF - 30k)

Submission 15 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Australian National Retailers Association ABN 78 118 494 643. Scanned copy of letter. 8-10 Jardine Street, Kingston Canberra ACT 2604 PO Box 4642Kingston ACT 2604 Tel 61 2 6234 8088 Fax 61 2 6234 8188 Thursday. 1 March 2007.

Date received: 2 Apr 2007

John Fulton (PDF - 13k)

Submission 14 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Productivity Commission---Public Hearings Hobart 2 April 2007 2.30pm. My comments will focus on the effects of the following statements recorded in the Productivity Commission Report 2004 (p 208). "Insurance is the vital component of an holistic

Date received: 2 Apr 2007

John Furbank (PDF - 32k)

Submission 13 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Consumer Policy Framework - Issues for Discussion Personal background I am a regulatory practice consultant specialising in advising Government and industry on compliance with technical standards, auditing compliance programs and developing guides.

Date received: 29 Mar 2007

Andris Blums (PDF - 43k)

Submission 12 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Dear commissioners, Thank you for allowing me to present this written statement re the current privatised insurance arrangements masquerading falsely and deceptively as consumer protection in Vic, NSW, WA and Tasmania with Government consent and

Date received: 28 Mar 2007

Simon Smith (PDF - 12k)

Submission 10 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

13 Scott Street, Elwood,. Victoria 3184. 27th March 2007. Mr Robert Fitzgerald, Consumer Policy Enquiry, Productivity Commission, PO Box 80, Belconnen, ACT 2616. Dear Mr Fitzgerald, I refer to the invitation made at the recent 2007 National Consumer

Date received: 27 Mar 2007

The Builders' Collective of Australia Inc (PDF - 192k)

Submission 9 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Dear Chris Commissioner Fitzgerald asked me the question as to why this consumer protection insurance was privatised. I believe the attached Hansard provides the public principles in answer to that question. I have taken the liberty of highlighting

Date received: 23 Mar 2007

M R Construction (PDF - 69k)

Submission 8 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Presentation to the Productivity Commission Hearings, Melbourne, 21st March 2006. Russell Joseph Registered builder. Verbal Submission in Italics Terms of reference in Standard text. Australia's consumer policy framework. The Australian Government

Date received: 21 Mar 2007

Reproductive Choice Australia (PDF - 19k)

Submission 6 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Submission to Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework Dr Leslie Cannold, President of Reproductive Choice Australia is a medical ethicist who has published widely in scholarly journals on issues of autonomy and informed decision-making. Ms

Date received: 19 Mar 2007

The Builders' Collective of Australia Inc (PDF - 27k)

Submission 7 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

TThhee BBuuiillddeerrss’’CCoolllleeccttiivvee ooff AAuussttrraalliiaa iinncc. RReegg NNoo:: AA00004444115533GG Representing the small to medium Builders of the nation. Productivity Commission Presentation Wednesday 21st March 2007. 9.30 am

Date received: 19 Mar 2007

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