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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

National Legal Aid (PDF - 53k)

Submission DR220 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

National Legal Aid Secretariat GPO Box 9898 Hobart TAS 7001. Executive Officer: Louise Smith. t: 03 6236 3813 f: 03 6236 3811 m: 0419 350 065. e: Mr Robert Fitzgerald Presiding Commissioner Productivity Commission

Date received: 4 Mar 2008

Chris Field (PDF - 32k)

Submission DR218 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

REVIEW OF AUSTRALIA’S CONSUMER POLICY FRAMEWORK. RESPONSE TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION DRAFT REPORT. Chris Field. Introductory comments I appreciate the opportunity to make a further submission to this important review being undertaken by the

Date received: 29 Feb 2008

Frank Zumbo (PDF - 51k)

Submission DR217 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Productivity Commission. INQUIRY INTO AUSTRALIA’S CONSUMER POLICY. FRAMEWORK. Submission No. 2 by. Associate Professor. Frank Zumbo. School of Business Law and Taxation. Australian School of Business University of New South Wales. February 2008.

Date received: 29 Feb 2008

Australian Finance Conference (PDF - 204k)

Submission DR216 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Australian Finance Conference Level 7, 34 Hunter Street, Sydney, 2000. GPO Box 1595, Sydney 2001 ABN 13 000 493 907 Telephone: (02) 9231-5877 Facsimile: (02) 9232-5647 e-mail: 29 February 2008 Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy

Date received: 29 Feb 2008

Legal Aid New South Wales (PDF - 56k)

Submission DR215 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

SUBMISSION 2200 FFeebbrruuaarryy 22000088. DDrraafftt RReeppoorrtt ooff tthhee IInnqquuiirryy iinnttoo AAuussttrraalliiaa’’ss CCoonnssuummeerr PPrrootteeccttiioonn FFrraammeewwoorrkk. SUBMISSION ON BEHALF OF. LEGAL AID NEW SOUTH WALES TO THE.

Date received: 27 Feb 2008

Harden Jones Architect (PDF - 17k)

Submission DR214 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Dear Sir or Madam I am writing this submission in response to the draft report as detailed above. I was a licensed builder operating in the Western Australian residential market place from 1998 to 2002. During this period and post Collapse of HIH

Date received: 26 Feb 2008

The Builders' Collective of Australia (PDF - 20k)

Submission DR213 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

The Builders’Collective of Australia inc. Reg No: A0044153GThe Builders’Collective of Australia inc. Reg No: A0044153G Representing the small to medium Builders of the nation Dear Commissioners, Thank you for inviting me to respond to the late

Date received: 25 Feb 2008

GE Money (PDF - 232k)

Submission DR208 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Date received: 22 Feb 2008

Kim Booth MP (PDF - 77k)

Submission DR210 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Kim Booth MP Member for Bass. Tasmanian Greens. 1 of 3. · State Parliamentary Offices of the Tasmanian Greens. · Postal Address: Parliament of Tasmania Hobart, Tasmania 7000. · Phone: (03) 6233 8300 · Fax: (03) 6223 1406 · E-mail:

Date received: 22 Feb 2008

Financial Planning Association of Australia Ltd (PDF - 80k)

Submission DR212 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

New South Wales / ACT PO Box 4285. Sydney NSW 2001 Ph: 02 9220 4500 Fax: 02 9220 4580 Queensland PO Box 572. Brisbane Qld 4001 Ph: 07 3839 2427 Fax: 07 3839 3172. South Australia / NT 67 King William Road. Unley SA

Date received: 22 Feb 2008

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