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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

National Children's and Youth Law Centre (PDF - 93k)

Submission DR196 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

James McDougall Director. National Children's &Youth Law Centre Phone 61 (0) 2 9385 9588. Fax 61 (0) 2 9385 9589 Mobile 61 (0) 419 243 179 Website 18 February 2008 Ms Jill Irvine Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework

Date received: 18 Feb 2008

Australian Newsagents' Federation Ltd (PDF - 265k)

Submission DR203 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1 | P a g e. Australian Newsagents‟ Federation Ltd Submission to the Productivity Commission. Draft Report: Review of Australia‟s Consumer Policy Framework. February 2008. 2 | P a g e. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. OBJECTIVES 3. ISSUES 3. 1.

Date received: 18 Feb 2008

CHOICE (PDF - 83k)

Submission DR194 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Submission by CHOICE to the Productivity Commission. Review of Consumer Policy Framework. February 2008. CHOICE Page 2. CHOICE is a not-for-profit, non-government, non-party-political organisation established in 1959. CHOICE works to improve the

Date received: 18 Feb 2008

National Consumers' Roundtable on Energy Joint Submission (PDF - 496k)

Submission DR199 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1. Productivity Commission Draft Report – Review of Australia’s. Consumer Policy Framework. Joint submission from participants in the National Consumers’Roundtable on. Energy. 2. 1. Introduction Participants of the National

Date received: 18 Feb 2008

Janine Bransden (PDF - 11k)

Submission DR192 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Productivity Commission, I, Janine Bransden would like to add further to my previous submission: I am very concerned at the submission made to your enquiry by HIA where they have asked for arbitration to be introduced on a National basis.

Date received: 15 Feb 2008

Office of the Privacy Commissioner (PDF - 214k)

Submission DR190 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Australian Government Level s Piccadilly Tower 7 fa n. 7,. 133 Castlereagh Street =? Office of the Privacy Commissioner Sydney NSW 2000. GPO Box 5218 Our reference: 2006-082-01 sydneyNsw2ooi. P 61 292849800. Mr Robert Fitzgerald F 612 9284 9565. .

Date received: 15 Feb 2008

Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Ltd (PDF - 45k)

Submission DR188 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

S E C R E T A R I A T. Piccadilly Tower Level 19 133 Castlereagh St Sydney NSW 2000 PO Box 1485 Sydney NSW 2001 T 61 2 9264 9300. F 61 2 9264 8824. outside Sydney 1800 812 798. S E C R E T A R I A T. Piccadilly Tower Level 19 133 Castlereagh St

Date received: 15 Feb 2008

Aust and NZ Energy & Water Ombudsman Network (PDF - 89k)

Submission DR187 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

15 February 2008 Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework Productivity Commission PO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2616 By email: Dear Commissioners Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Productivity Commission’s

Date received: 15 Feb 2008

Anglicare Tasmania (PDF - 264k)

Submission DR191 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1. Response to the Review of. Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework. Draft Report. Productivity Commission. February 2008. For more information about this submission please contact:. Chris Jones. Chief Executive Officer. GPO Box 1620, HOBART TAS

Date received: 15 Feb 2008

Barry Armstrong (PDF - 14k)

Submission DR186 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission from Barry Armstrong. 14 February 2008 I am a 57 yr old builder. I have been in the residential building industry for 46 years. I have been a licensed builder since 1971 and have had my own business since 1971.

Date received: 14 Feb 2008

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