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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Finance Brokers Association of Australia (PDF - 187k)

Submission DR177 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

FBAA - Productivity Commission Submission – 8th February 2008 1. Finance Brokers Association. of Australia Ph: 1300 130 514. National Office: (07) 3252 0120 Fax: (07) 3252 0140. THE FINANCE BROKERS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA (FBAA) MAKES THIS

Date received: 8 Feb 2008

Motor Trades Association of Australia (PDF - 46k)

Submission DR169 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Motor Trades Association of Australia. Motor Trades Association House, 39 Brisbane Avenue, Barton ACT 2600 PO Box 6273, Kingston, ACT 2604. Telephone: 61 2 6273 4333. Facsimile: 61 2 6273 2738. Email: A.B.N. 66 008 643 561.

Date received: 7 Feb 2008

TRUenergy (PDF - 32k)

Submission DR164 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Page 1 of 3. TRUenergy Australia Pty Ltd ABN 99 086 014 968. Level 33, 385 Bourke Street Melbourne Victoria 3000. 7 February 2008 Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework Productivity Commission PO Box 1428 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2616 By email

Date received: 7 Feb 2008

Telephone Services Standards Council (PDF - 23k)

Submission DR167 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

TISSC Limited – PO Box K1021, Haymarket NSW 1240 Telephone – 02 9211 4377 Fax – 02 9211 4447 Email – 1. Telephone Services Standards Council Limited (TISSC) Response To: Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework

Date received: 7 Feb 2008

Small Enterprise Telecommunications Centre Limited (PDF - 39k)

Submission DR168 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

THE SMALL ENTERPRISE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CENTRE LIMITED The primary role of SETEL is to advance the interests of small, micro and home businesses as users/consumers of telecommunications services. Its objectives are to: • Advance and represent the

Date received: 7 Feb 2008

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