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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Grant Thornton Australia Limited (PDF - 143k)

Submission 83 for Contribution Of The Not-for-profit Sector View full list

Grant Thornton Australia Limited ABN 41 127 556 389 Level 17, 383 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 PO Locked Bag Q800 QVB Post Office Sydney NSW 1230 T 61 2 8297 2400 F 61 2 9299 4445 E W Grant Thornton

Date received: 1 Jun 2009

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (PDF - 56k)

Submission 70 for Contribution Of The Not-for-profit Sector View full list 29 May 2009 Not for Profit Sector Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 Dear Commissioners Contribution of the Not for Profit Sector – Productivity Commission Issues Paper The Institute of

Date received: 1 Jun 2009

Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA) (PDF - 25k)

Submission 86 for Contribution Of The Not-for-profit Sector View full list

29 May 2009 Not for Profit Sector Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 Dear Commission,. Contribution of the Not-for-Profit Sector. Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) is pleased to make these brief comments in

Date received: 1 Jun 2009

Trustee Corporations Association of Australia (TCA) (PDF - 21k)

Submission 87 for Contribution Of The Not-for-profit Sector View full list

Trustee Corporations Association. of Australia. CTA. ANZ Trustees. Australian Executor. Trustees. Elders Trustees. Equity Trustees. National Australia Trustees. Perpetual. Public Trustee for the. Australian Capital Territory. Public Trustee. New

Date received: 1 Jun 2009

Dr Nhiem Lu (PDF - 58k)

Submission 71 for Contribution Of The Not-for-profit Sector View full list

45B Whitewood Drive, Upper Sturt SA 5154, Australia Mobile: 61 415 863 220 Phone: 61 8 8338 6332 Fax: 61 8 8339 4673 S o l u t i o n F o r e s t Grow ing I nd i v i dua l So lu t ions. S o l u t i o n F o r e s t. 45B

Date received: 1 Jun 2009

Several Community Service Organisations, Coffs Harbour NSW (PDF - 12k)

Submission 63 for Contribution Of The Not-for-profit Sector View full list

I am writing as an individual, but I’m sure I speak on behalf of the millions of quiet people who go about their “jobs”pretty much under the radar. I’m also speaking on behalf of the community service clients who dare not complain about the

Date received: 1 Jun 2009

Lions Australia (PDF - 57k)

Submission 68 for Contribution Of The Not-for-profit Sector View full list

CONTRIBUTION OF THE NOT FOR PROFIT SECTOR. LIONS AUSTRALIA SUBMISSION. Introduction. This submission makes some broad observations about the role of Lions Australia specifically, and Service Clubs generally, as part of the not-for-profit sector

Date received: 1 Jun 2009

BJL Connecting Communities (PDF - 25k)

Submission 79 for Contribution Of The Not-for-profit Sector View full list

Submission of BJL Connecting Communities (BJL) To the Productivity Commission On The Contribution of the Not for Profit Sector Commission Study. BJL Connecting Communities Head Office 11 Patrick Court Girrawheen WA 1/45 Central Walk Joondalup WA

Date received: 1 Jun 2009

Cat Haven (PDF - 101k)

Submission 72 for Contribution Of The Not-for-profit Sector View full list

Contribution of the Not for Profit Sector Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA ACT 2601 25 May 2009 Dear Commissioner. Contribution of the not for profit sector Cat Haven welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Productivity

Date received: 1 Jun 2009

Institute for Advancing Community Engagement (PDF - 116k)

Submission 88 for Contribution Of The Not-for-profit Sector View full list

Review of the Contribution of the Not for Profit Sector The not for profit (NFP)

Date received: 1 Jun 2009

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