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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Anthony Asher (PDF - 15k)

Submission 435 for Disability Care And Support View full list

16 August 2010. Submission to Disability Care and Support Inquiry. I have assisted in the preparation of submissions to the Inquiry from the Institute of Actuaries of Australia and ANGLICARE. This personal submission suggests the current fragmented

Date received: 16 Aug 2010

National Trauma Research Institute (PDF - 38k)

Submission 457 for Disability Care And Support View full list

The National Trauma Research Institute (NTRI) offers this submission to the Commission as a research department of The Alfred hospital, which houses Australia’s largest Trauma Centre. The Alfred hospital sees over 1100 severely injured patients

Date received: 16 Aug 2010

Vision 2020 Australia (PDF - 54k)

Submission 330 for Disability Care And Support View full list

16 August 2010. Inquiry into Disability Care and Support Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. INQUIRY INTO DISABILITY CARE AND SUPPORT – Preliminary response from Vision 2020 Australia Established in October 2000, Vision

Date received: 16 Aug 2010

Jocelyn Culpitt (PDF - 19k)

Submission 428 for Disability Care And Support View full list

Disability Care and Support Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 By email: Dear Sirs/Mesdames My name is Jocelyn Culpitt and I have a daughter who suffers from severe Autistic Spectrum

Date received: 16 Aug 2010

Name Withheld (PDF - 15k)

Submission 391 for Disability Care And Support View full list

Personal Story. 16 August 2010. I am the mother of a 13 year old with Rett Syndrome. My daughter does not speak or walk, is incontinent and has uncontrolled epilepsy. She needs me or another carer to look after her every need. I love having her at

Date received: 16 Aug 2010

Australian Advisory Board on Autism Spectrum Disorders (PDF - 159k)

Submission 467 for Disability Care And Support View full list

10 August 2010 Inquiry into Disability Care and Support Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428, Canberra City ACT 2601 Email: Dear Commissioners We write to express concern that Carers Australia told the Productivity

Date received: 16 Aug 2010

Krystyna Croft (PDF - 16k)

Submission 447 for Disability Care And Support View full list

SUBMISSION TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. DISABILITY CARE AND SUPPORT. I am the mother of a 26 year old young man who has Down Syndrome, visual impairment and autism. When he was born we were told to take him home and care for him until he was 18 years

Date received: 16 Aug 2010

Peter Spooner-Hart (PDF - 66k)

Submission 458 for Disability Care And Support View full list

PETER SPOONER‐HART . Thank you for the opportunity to provide a submission to the Productivity Commission’s review of Disability Care and Support. I write in my capacity as a service provider of Prosthetics &

Date received: 16 Aug 2010

Community Living Project Inc (PDF - 55k)

Submission 354 for Disability Care And Support View full list

16 August 2010 Inquiry into Disability Care and Support Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428, Canberra City ACT 2601 ATTENTION: Roberta Bausch Email: disability‐ Dear Roberta,

Date received: 16 Aug 2010

Tech4 Life (PDF - 36k)

Submission 437 for Disability Care And Support View full list

16 August 2010 Disability Care and Support Productivity Commission PO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 Dear Commissioners We write in response to your Issues Paper of May 2010, and to make the Commission aware of applied research work that we believe

Date received: 16 Aug 2010

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