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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Name Withheld (PDF - 32k)

Submission 383 for Disability Care And Support View full list

1 of 6. Issues Paper May 2010. Page 3: First dot point: ‘provides long-term essential care and support’: pay support workers more than cleaners; and supermarket shelf fillers, for a start. Look after support workers; if they’re only getting a

Date received: 15 Aug 2010

Elizabeth Pickering (PDF - 54k)

Submission 430 for Disability Care And Support View full list

Disability Care and Support Submission - Elizabeth Pickering Page 1 of 8. Introduction. My husband and I are based in Brisbane, Queensland and have three young children - two boys and a. girl. Our delightful six-year-old daughter was born

Date received: 15 Aug 2010

The James Macready-Bryan Foundation (PDF - 118k)

Submission 329 for Disability Care And Support View full list

James Macready-Bryan Limited (ACN 123 797786) As trustee for The James Macready-Bryan Foundation (ABN 76 362 598 993) Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Disability Care and Support Inquiry by The James

Date received: 15 Aug 2010

Trish Malowney (PDF - 68k)

Submission 442 for Disability Care And Support View full list

Tricia Malowney Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Development of a Disability Long-term Care and Support Scheme. Page 1 of 12. Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into the Development of a Long-term

Date received: 15 Aug 2010

Ms Libby Callaway, Ms Sue Sloan, and Ms Dianne Winkler (PDF - 510k)

Submission 526 for Disability Care And Support View full list

Callaway, Sloan & Winkler, 2010 Page 1 . Disability Care and Support. Public inquiry Submission. Background to this submission. Libby Callaway, Sue Sloan and Di Winkler have a combined seven decades of experience in the. field of slow stream

Date received: 15 Aug 2010

Professor Christine Bigby and Dr Chris Fyffe (PDF - 76k)

Submission 385 for Disability Care And Support View full list

i | P a g e. Productivity Commission Inquiry into Disability Care and Support. August 2010. To:. The Productivity Commission. Level 2, 15 Moore Street. Canberra City ACT 2600, Australia. From:. Professor Christine Bigby

Date received: 15 Aug 2010

National Disability and Carer Alliance (PDF - 135k)

Submission 413 for Disability Care And Support View full list

The Importance of a Social Insurance Approach to . Disability Funding . Submission to the Productivity Commission . Disability Care and Support Inquiry . National Disability and Carer Alliance . August 2010 .

Date received: 15 Aug 2010

Alan Foster (PDF - 54k)

Submission 476 for Disability Care And Support View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission Review on Disability Care and Support Inquiry. My former next door neighbour of 16 years has a daughter with an intellectual disability. I had never given a lot of thought to their situation until I retired

Date received: 15 Aug 2010

Professor Christine Bigby (PDF - 58k)

Submission 384 for Disability Care And Support View full list

Submission to the Disability Care and Support Inquiry: Productivity Commission. From Professor Christine Bigby, School of Social Work and Social Policy, La Trobe. University. Introduction. In the main part of this submission I address specifically

Date received: 15 Aug 2010

Becky Llewellyn (PDF - 486k)

Submission 481 for Disability Care And Support View full list

Email: disability‐ . Productivity Commission ‐ Disability Care and Support Public Inquiry Becky Llewellyn, Director, Disability Consultancy Services Pty Ltd .

Date received: 15 Aug 2010

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