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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Dr Philip Deschamp (PDF - 43k)

Submission 136 for Disability Care And Support View full list

Living with Individualised Support Services On Friday, July 23 I participated in the Productivity Commission meeting with Commissioner Patricia Scott convened by Dr. Ron Chalmers (Director General of the Disability Services Commission of Western

Date received: 27 Jul 2010

Jacqueline Dalling (PDF - 173k)

Submission 141 for Disability Care And Support View full list

25 July 2010. The Productivity Commission. Inquiry into Disability Care and Support. GPO Box 1428. CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601. Dear Sirs/Madams,. Please accept my submission for the Productivity Commission inquiry into. disability care and support.

Date received: 27 Jul 2010

Blue Mountains Interagency Working Party (PDF - 41k)

Submission 142 for Disability Care And Support View full list

Patricia Scott, David Kalisch and John Walsh Commissioners of the Disability Care and Support Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA NSW 2601. Re: Submission towards Productivity Commission’s Disability Care and Support Issues Paper,

Date received: 27 Jul 2010

Lifelong Disability Entitlement Scheme (PDF - 60k)

Submission 150 for Disability Care And Support View full list

Lifelong Disability Entitlement Scheme. Transformational Change in Disability Funding "our right to take responsibility". Disability Care and Support. Productivity Commission. Submission on behalf of the Lifelong Disability Entitlement Scheme. A

Date received: 27 Jul 2010

Mia Clark (PDF - 21k)

Submission 123 for Disability Care And Support View full list

We have a 17 year old son with a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD. He also has a swathe of learning difficulties including auditory processing disorder, a very poor short term memory which means he has to re learn everything several times

Date received: 26 Jul 2010

Allowance Incorporated (PDF - 24k)

Submission 130 for Disability Care And Support View full list

“Allowance Incorporated “Attendant Care. PO Box 3024, Bangor Post Office , Bangor NSW 2234 Ph: 02 8525 4000 Fax: 02 8525 4011. Abn: 47 110 995 518. 28 July 2010 Interstate Portability and use of carers

Date received: 26 Jul 2010

Name Withheld (PDF - 20k)

Submission 124 for Disability Care And Support View full list

Productivity Commission Inquiry into Disabilities. My son was diagnosed with mild Asperger’s Syndrome when he was 12 years old however this came after years of heartache and searching for answers. Our lives changed the moment my son stepped

Date received: 26 Jul 2010

Elle Walmsley (PDF - 19k)

Submission 129 for Disability Care And Support View full list

I am a wife and mother to 2 young children, at the time of print my daughter is aged 4 and my son. is aged 5 and a half. My son has an undiagnosed profound level of both intellectual and physical disability so as you can imagine the care is around

Date received: 26 Jul 2010

Lifestyle in Supported Accommodation (LISA) Inc (PDF - 24k)

Submission 125 for Disability Care And Support View full list

"WELL SAID RASAID!" Submission to the Productivity Commission by. Lyn Allen, Parent, and Vice President of RASAID Inc., NSW. For far too many years, Disability Dollars have not been used to actually help people with disabilities or their families.

Date received: 26 Jul 2010

Lifestyle in Supported Accommodation (LISA) Inc (PDF - 28k)

Submission 122 for Disability Care And Support View full list

When a parent is not a parent any more! If you are the legal parent/s of a child (under 18) who is unable by reason of their disability to make reasonable judgements in respect of all or any matters concerning their personal. circumstances and/or

Date received: 26 Jul 2010

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