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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

IrmaGutierrez (PDF 180 Kb) (PDF - 185k)

Submission DR370 for Education And Training Workforce: Early Childhood Development View full list

PERSONAL SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT WORKFORCE STUDY, DRAFT REPORT (JUNE 2011). 1.Introduction In my humble opinion I would not have been able to work safely and. professionally throughout the 21 years of my

Date received: 1 Sep 2011

Early Childhood Australia (NSW Branch) (PDF - 153k)

Submission DR190 for Education And Training Workforce: Early Childhood Development View full list

ECA NSW Submission to Productivity Commission on ECEC Workforce Review Page 1. ECA is a voice for young children. Early Childhood Australia (NSW Branch) represents approximately 1, 000 members who work across a range of services including preschool

Date received: 1 Sep 2011

Margaret Wayland (PDF - 33k)

Submission DR193 for Education And Training Workforce: Early Childhood Development View full list

As a teacher in a NSW early childhood education and care service, I was happy to read that the Productivity Commission has recognised the need for long day care centres and preschools in NSW to offer salaries which have parity with primary teachers

Date received: 31 Aug 2011

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