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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Mildura Airport (PDF - 225k)

Submission DR174 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list

MILDURA AIRPORT PTY LTD SUBMISSION TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION REPORT. MILDURA AIRPORT Mildura Airport is located 10 km south west of the Mildura town centre. The Airport is owned by the Mildura Rural City Council (MRCC) and is independently operated

Date received: 17 Apr 2019

City of Albany (PDF - 148k)

Submission DR170 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list

44- Albany Our Ref: GR.FEL.13/ LT19183688. Enquiries: Stuart Jamieson. 16 April 2019. Productivity Commission PO Box 80 BELCONNEN ACT 2616. Dear Sir/Madam,. RE: Productivity Commission - Inquiry into the Economic Regulation of Airports. Extract from

Date received: 16 Apr 2019

Margaret Arblaster (PDF - 187k)

Submission DR171 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list

Supplementary submission on the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report on the Economic. Regulation of Airports by Margaret Arblaster. Following the public hearings on the Productivity Commission’s draft report on economic regulation. of airports

Date received: 12 Apr 2019

Australian Finance Industry Association (AFIA) (PDF - 597k)

Submission DR168 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list

AFIA financing Australia’s future. Presiding Commissioner Paul Lindwall 11 April 2019 Commissioner Stephen King Assistant Commissioner Anna Heaney Airport Regulation Inquiry Productivity Commission By email: Dear Commissioners

Date received: 12 Apr 2019

Caltex (PDF - 131k)

Submission DR167 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list

Caltex Australia Limited ACN 004 201 307. 2 Market Street. Sydney NSW 2000. Tel: (02) 9250 5000. GPO Box 3916. Sydney NSW 2001. 5 April 2019. Airport Regulation Inquiry. Productivity Commission. Locked Bag 2. Collins St East, VIC,

Date received: 11 Apr 2019

John Clarke (PDF - 70k)

Submission DR162 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list

LTOP &VARIABLE CAP. The variable cap is a subset of a more broader concept of enshrining LTOP with legislation so that its noise sharing objectives can be met and the balance between the demands of the aviation industry and the noise impacted

Date received: 3 Apr 2019

Board of Airline Representatives of Australia (BARA) (PDF - 319k)

Submission DR160 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list Economic regulation of airports 1. BARA supplementary submission 3 April 2019. Airport operator commercial accountabilities. Following the public hearings held on 28 March 2019, this supplementary submission by the Board or. Airline

Date received: 3 Apr 2019

Faye Maple (PDF - 62k)

Submission DR164 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list

Airport Regulation Inquiry. Productivity Commission. Lock bag 2. Collins St. East Victoria 8003. Dear Sirs,. As a long-term resident home-owner of Hunters Hill I, and many. others, have long tolerated the environmental pollution of aircraft. noise

Date received: 1 Apr 2019

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) (PDF - 555k)

Submission DR158 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list

1. Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Economic Regulation of Airports. ACCC submission in response to the draft inquiry report. March 2019. 2. 1. Key points The ACCC appreciates the opportunity to respond to the Productivity Commission’s

Date received: 1 Apr 2019

Mobil Oil Australia Pty Limited (PDF - 228k)

Submission DR161 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list

Market Advocacy

Date received: 29 Mar 2019

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