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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Gavin Moodie (PDF - 47k)

Submission DR64 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list

Gavin Moodie 1 Submission to VET inquiry. The Productivity Commission’s draft report on the vocational education and training workforce is so tendentious that it needs a comment on almost every page to deal with every problem. However, this

Date received: 19 Jan 2011

Karen Kearns - International Child Care College (PDF - 40k)

Submission 8 for Education And Training Workforce: Early Childhood Development View full list

Submission to: Productivity Commission: Early Childhood Development Workforce Study. Disparity Between Roles/Responsibilities and Pay and Conditions. A continuing stumbling block in the supply and retention of early childhood teachers is the lack.

Date received: 14 Jan 2011

Gloria Ince (PDF - 73k)

Submission 7 for Education And Training Workforce: Early Childhood Development View full list

Submission for . Early Childhood Development Workforce Study . Productivity Commission . By . Gloria Ince . Children’s Services Training Co‐ordinator . SMYL Community Services .

Date received: 13 Jan 2011

Connect Child and Family Services Inc (PDF - 21k)

Submission 6 for Education And Training Workforce: Early Childhood Development View full list

WORKFORCE ISSUES AND THE DELIVERY OF ‘SOFT ENTRY’SERVICES TO FAMILIES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN AGED 0-5 YEARS There is increasing national interest in integrating child and family service systems and the integrated service delivery that ideally flows

Date received: 10 Jan 2011

National Centre for Vocational Education Research (PDF - 95k)

Submission 5 for Education And Training Workforce: Early Childhood Development View full list

Early childhood development workforce issues paper: NCVER Submission (#101583) Page 1. Submission by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER). to. Productivity Commission. Early Childhood Development Workforce Issues Paper.

Date received: 5 Jan 2011

Kalgrove Ltd (PDF - 112k)

Submission DR63 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list

1 . Submission to the Vocational Education and Training Workforce Review: V2 24-12-2010. Table of Contents Relevant Terms of Reference.2 . Re Report Ch 8.2: Workforce Capability Gaps.2 . Improving Workforce Capability.2 .

Date received: 24 Dec 2010

Carol O'Donnell (PDF - 79k)

Submission DR62 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list


Date received: 22 Dec 2010

Career Industry Council of Australia (PDF - 105k)

Submission DR61 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list

ABN 21 426 149 494 ARBN 108 367 915. Registered Office: C/- CEAV, State-wide Resources Centre 150 Palmerston St, Carlton VIC 3053. Address correspondence for Executive Director to: 22 Taronga Road. Bonnet Hill TAS 7053. one voice many echoes .

Date received: 10 Dec 2010

Lisa Webster (PDF - 20k)

Submission 4 for Education And Training Workforce: Early Childhood Development View full list

To whom it may concern, I am writing in relation to the current issue paper regarding the employment of teachers in early child hood centres. I currently work in a childcare centre in Victoria where I provide a kindergarten program for 4-5 year old

Date received: 30 Nov 2010

Prue Walsh, Play Entertainment Consulting Pty Ltd (PDF - 30k)

Submission 3 for Education And Training Workforce: Early Childhood Development View full list

ECD Workforce Study November 2010. SUBMISSION To the. AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION Early Childhood Development (ECD) Workforce Study. Prue Walsh. Play Environment Consulting Pty Ltd November 2010. “The early childhood care and

Date received: 24 Nov 2010

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