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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

EE-OZ Training Standards (PDF - 266k)

Submission 20 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list

Productivity Commission Education and Training Workforce Study. Vocational Education and Training (VET) Workforce. SUBMISSION PAPER. July, 2010. EE-Oz Training Standards. the Australian Government declared Industry. Skills Council for ElectroComms

Date received: 30 Jul 2010

Minerals Council of Australia (PDF - 110k)

Submission 23 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list MINERALS COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA. Submission to the. PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. on the. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING WORKFORCE: ISSUES PAPER. June 2010. 30 JULY 2010. Minerals Council of Australia | i. TABLE OF CONTENTS.

Date received: 30 Jul 2010

ACTU (PDF - 151k)

Submission 31 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list

Australian Council of Trade Unions Submission to the Productivity Commission study of the vocational education and training (VET) workforce. 30 July 2010. ACTU D No. 29/2010 Level 6, 365 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000 1.

Date received: 30 Jul 2010

John Mitchell and Associates (PDF - 403k)

Submission 37 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list

J O H N M I T C H E L L &A S S O C I A T E S.

Date received: 30 Jul 2010

Monash University (PDF - 676k)

Submission 32 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list

Productivity Commission Inquiry: 30 July 2010 Faculty of Education, Monash University Submission . Productivity Commission Inquiry: 30 July 2010 Faculty of Education, Monash University Submission .

Date received: 30 Jul 2010

Australian Education Union (PDF - 855k)

Submission 34 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list

An affiliate of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and Education International (EI). Australian Education Union Federal Office: Ground Floor, 120 Clarendon Street, Southbank, Victoria, 3006 Telephone: 61 3 9693 1800 Federal Secretary:

Date received: 30 Jul 2010

Australian Industry Group (PDF - 106k)

Submission 14 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list

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Date received: 29 Jul 2010

Dr Peter Ryan (PDF - 342k)

Submission 15 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list

SUBMISSION ON THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION ISSUES PAPER:. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING WORKFORCE. My comments on this paper relate solely to Section 2 - “VET in the education sector and. the economy”and in particular the subsection “What

Date received: 29 Jul 2010

Lynn Saunders (PDF - 18k)

Submission 16 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list

What criteria should the Commission use to define the scope of the VET sector for the purposes of this study? I feel the VET sector should be defined by nationally accredited qualifications which are recognised by employers in that field. That is to

Date received: 29 Jul 2010

Rod Bauer (PDF - 44k)

Submission 6 for Education And Training Workforce: Vocational Education And Training View full list

Rod Bauer Page 1. Vocational Education and Training Workforce Productivity Commission Issues Paper – June 2010. The author: Rod Bauer is an Educational Consultant who has been a senior high school teacher and educational leader in South Australian

Date received: 29 Jul 2010

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