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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Kyneton Branch ALP (PDF - 119k)

Submission 33 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Date received: 27 May 2009

Caux Round Table (PDF - 26k)

Submission 35 for Executive Remuneration View full list

1. Submission to Executive Remuneration Inquiry Inquiry into Executive Remuneration Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins St East Melbourne Vic 8003 By email: Dear Sirs, We make the following short submission in

Date received: 27 May 2009

Kym Sheehan (PDF - 358k)

Submission 36 for Executive Remuneration View full list

27 May 2009. Commissioner Banks. Productivity Commission. Locked Bag No 2. Collins St East. Melbourne VIC 8003. Via email: Dear Commissioner. Inquiry into the regulation of director and executive remuneration In response to the

Date received: 27 May 2009


Submission 32 for Executive Remuneration View full list

1 . Regulation of Director and Executive Remuneration in Australia. Productivity Commission Issues Paper April 2009. 1 Introduction “The Productivity Commission has been asked to report within 9 months (by 19 December 2009) on the framework and

Date received: 25 May 2009

Australasian Compliance Institute (PDF - 67k)

Submission 31 for Executive Remuneration View full list

ACI - supporting you, your organisation, your profession Australasian Compliance Institute Inc. ABN 42 862 119 377 Level 1, 50 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 I GPO Box 4117, Sydney NSW 2001 I Ph 02 9290 1788 I Fax 02 9262 3311 I

Date received: 25 May 2009

Graham Bradley (PDF - 631k)

Submission 30 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Date received: 20 May 2009

Ravi Gnanadickam (PDF - 7k)

Submission 29 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Most of the Directors of Companies are self-serving and they seem to hide behind the façade of “shareholder interest”. If the Managing Director and (Executive) Directors of companies are paid a salary ten-fold or fifteen-fold (or any fixed ratio

Date received: 13 May 2009

Andrew Murray (PDF - 111k)

Submission 28 for Executive Remuneration View full list

1 . May 2009 SUBMISSION. To the Productivity Commission re their Inquiry into the. Regulation of Director and Executive Remuneration in Australia by. Andrew Murray BA Hons (Rhodes) MA (OXF). Index Page Note 1. 1 Executive summary 2 2 Reasserting

Date received: 12 May 2009

Jill Johnson (PDF - 6k)

Submission 27 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Have read the issues paper, would like to raise the following questions / provide feedback: 1) What role will gifts play in executive remuneration? What happens if the board decide to reward a CEO with a 'gift' of shares to a sizeable value - a

Date received: 11 May 2009

Fay Hicks (PDF - 7k)

Submission 25 for Executive Remuneration View full list

SUBMISSION RE EXECUTIVE SALARIES AND RELATIONS TO PROFITS OF COMPANIES ETC I am a small shareholder in Wesfarmers and while I appreciate that the global financial crisis has played a part in the share price dropping I object to companies, not

Date received: 4 May 2009

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