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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Michael Vanderlaan (PDF - 15k)

Submission 9 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Dear Sirs, Thankyou for the opportunity to submit some ideas. 1. Executive Remuneration should not be linked to share price This motivates executives to be more concerned about market perceptions than sustainable performance. The focus is off the

Date received: 28 Mar 2009

W. Stephen Stekhoven (PDF - 21k)

Submission 4 for Executive Remuneration View full list

To whom it may concern,. Attached for your consideration is a draft outline of my proposed executive remuneration policy framework applicable to all public companies. I believe the policy is capable of practical implementation. The development of

Date received: 23 Mar 2009

Maureen Noonan (PDF - 7k)

Submission 3 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Dear sirs, I have read with interest the news re your inquiry and would like to advocate some conceptual thinking as well as ensuring that salaries are in line with productivity, overseas markets, affordability, propriety etc. I would like to

Date received: 22 Mar 2009

Jack Giles (PDF - 6k)

Submission 5 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Mr A Fels Associated Commissioner/Productivity Commission Dear Sir, RE: Executive Remuneration Review I have enclosed a number of articles that highlight the greed that has contributed to excessive remuneration and associated excessive risk. To

Date received: 21 Mar 2009

J Versteegen (PDF - 6k)

Submission 12 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Myambat P.O Box 8. Kangaroo Ground Vic 3097. 19.3.09. Dr Fels Chair of the Productivity Commission Canberra ACT Dear Dr Fels. Executive Salaries Enquiry. I believe you have accepted the task of inquiring and at the conclusion submitting

Date received: 19 Mar 2009

Dr Simon Moss (PDF - 30k)

Submission 2 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Does executive pay really pay? In the aftermath of the global recession, beginning in 2008, the consternation over executive pay soared. Even as the value of companies plummeted, the bonuses and benefits that executives earned continue to rise,

Date received: 19 Mar 2009

Holmans Accounting (PDF - 11k)

Submission 1 for Executive Remuneration View full list

To whom it may concern, I am writing to you in relation to an idea I have to help ensure long term business viability and reasonable executive remuneration packages. Obviously with the financial meltdown, there has been significant downturn in the

Date received: 18 Mar 2009

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