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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Adrian Gattenhof (PDF - 31k)

Submission DD120 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission on Discussion Draft report on Executive Remuneration. By Adrian Gattenhof. I generally support the draft recommendations, particularly those under “Shareholder engagement”intended to strengthen shareholder

Date received: 3 Nov 2009

Guerdon Associates (PDF - 215k)

Submission DD119 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Melbourne о Sydney. 2 November 2009. Mr. Gary Banks Chairman Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins St. East, Melbourne, VIC 8003 Dear Mr. Banks. Re: Executive Remuneration Inquiry - Submission on the Commission’s draft report. This letter

Date received: 2 Nov 2009

UniSuper (PDF - 304k)

Submission DD118 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Date received: 30 Oct 2009

Colin and Anna MacKenzie (PDF - 124k)

Submission DD117 for Executive Remuneration View full list

RESPONSE TO DISCUSSION DRAT. 1. Introduction. My wife and I are long-term retail shareholders holding shares in about 15 companes holding them for up to 25 years. We also invest in a number of fuds and trusts that hold Australian shares with monies

Date received: 30 Oct 2009

Allan Potter (PDF - 8k)

Submission DD115 for Executive Remuneration View full list

REMUNERATION. EXECUTIVES AND DIRECTORS. I think the time is now right for a change in Corporation Law to make the CEO and Directors more accountable for their actions than they currently are. After all the CEO would have to go to the Directors for

Date received: 26 Oct 2009

Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) (PDF - 107k)

Submission DD114 for Executive Remuneration View full list

22nd October, 2009 Mr Gary Banks AO, Chairman, Productivity Commission, Level 28, 35 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic, 3000 Dear Gary,. Draft Report into Executive &Director Remuneration. I am writing to you on the subject of the Productivity

Date received: 23 Oct 2009

Carol O'Donnell (PDF - 59k)

Submission DD113 for Executive Remuneration View full list

To all the following: • Review into the Governance, Efficiency, Structure and Operation of. Australia’s Superannuation System (2009) • Inquiry into Australia’s Future Tax System (2009) • Productivity Commission (PC) Discussion Draft on

Date received: 16 Oct 2009

Norman West (PDF - 173k)

Submission DD111 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Date received: 15 Oct 2009

Stephen Mercer (PDF - 7k)

Submission DD109 for Executive Remuneration View full list

To whom it may concern, I would like to comment on the complexity of voting for director’s remuneration for shareholders, especially non institutional ‘mum and dad’shareholders. As a West Australian Newspapers Holdings Ltd shareholder I have

Date received: 14 Oct 2009

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