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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Lou Scampoli (PDF - 19k)

Submission DD110 for Executive Remuneration View full list

SUBMISSION I make the following comments on Executives Remuneration in Australia. 1. Chapter 7. Linking Pay to Performance. The critical point is that all companies must have in place with executives and executive directors, contracts in place. This

Date received: 14 Oct 2009

Andrew Murray (PDF - 108k)

Submission DD112 for Executive Remuneration View full list

1 . October 2009. SUBMISSION To the Productivity Commission re their. September 2009 Discussion Draft. Executive Remuneration in Australia by. Andrew Murray BA Hons (Rhodes) MA (OXF) Index Page. 1 Note 1 2 Observations on some criticism of the

Date received: 11 Oct 2009

Peter Miller (PDF - 35k)

Submission DD108 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Date received: 2 Oct 2009

Arthur Johnson (PDF - 81k)

Submission DD107 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Date received: 2 Oct 2009

Rev Michael Russell (PDF - 22k)

Submission DD106 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Submission on the Productivity Commission Draft Report on Executive Remuneration in Australia. Introduction The Productivity Commission Draft report on Executive Remuneration in Australia has much to commend it. It shows an intricate understanding

Date received: 2 Oct 2009

Egan Associates (PDF - 779k)

Submission   Senator Doug Cameron (PDF - 780 Kb) % for Executive Remuneration View full list

Date received: 14 Sep 2009

Australian Human Resources Institute (PDF - 299k)

Submission 104 for Executive Remuneration View full list

2nd September, 2009. Mr Gary Banks AO. Chairman. Productivity Commission. Level 28. 35 Collins Street. Melbourne 3000. Dear Gary,. Re: Productivity Commission Inquiry into Executive &Director Remuneration. I am writing on the matter of the above

Date received: 2 Sep 2009

CRA Plan Managers Pty Ltd (PDF - 270k)

Submission 103 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Submission Productivity Commission. Regulation of Director and Executive Remuneration in Australia - 2009. Prepared by: Ian S Crichton,. Managing Director, CRA Plan Managers Pty Limited (CRA). 6 August 2009. Productivity Commision.Submission.6

Date received: 6 Aug 2009

Remuneration Tribunal (PDF - 493k)

Submission 102 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Concluding Remarks My Tribunal colleagues and I hope that the observations expressed in this letter convey a constructive and helpful perspective for the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Executive Remuneration. We would be pleased to elaborate

Date received: 29 Jul 2009

Business Council of Australia (PDF - 137k)

Submission 101 for Executive Remuneration View full list

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Date received: 17 Jul 2009

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