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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Stephen Mayne (PDF - 77k)

Submission 100 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Stephen Mayne, June 24, 2009. Claim: many estimates of share-based pay are over-stated Yes, but most of it was under-stated during the boom years. For instance, Babcock &Brown CEO Phil Green had 800, 000 hurdle-free options exercisable at $5 a share

Date received: 15 Jul 2009

Geoff Hogbin (PDF - 215k)

Submission 99 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Submiuion to Executive Remuneration Inquiry. Geofl HogbiD, shareholder. As a retiree dependent on income from investments in shares in public companies and other financial instruments I welcome the opportnity to present to the Productivity

Date received: 10 Jul 2009

Elizabeth Oldfield (PDF - 7k)

Submission 98 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to submit my thoughts on the subject of executive remuneration. As an Australian, who owns shares, but is unable to work due to ill health, I find the huge bonuses and extremely high salaries of some of the company

Date received: 9 Jul 2009

John Lance (PDF - 6k)

Submission 97 for Executive Remuneration View full list

I notice that some of the submissions refer to the fact that employee entitlements can be lost when companies become insolvent, even though directors and executives have received their remuneration. Whether or not this is an issue before this Inquiry

Date received: 29 Jun 2009

EGC Pty Ltd (PDF - 33k)

Submission 96 for Executive Remuneration View full list

No monetary threshold specified The issue I would like to discuss is the monetary threshold at which the Executive Remuneration regulations will become applicable. Several of small to medium businesses (below $20M)

Date received: 26 Jun 2009

KPMG (PDF - 84k)

Submission 95 for Executive Remuneration View full list

ABCD Tax ABN: 51 194 660 183 147 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000 GPO Box 2291U Melbourne Vic 3001 Australia. Telephone: 61 3 9288 5555 Facsimile: 61 3 9288 6666 DX: 30824 Melbourne KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm

Date received: 23 Jun 2009

Tim Tetley (PDF - 6k)

Submission 94 for Executive Remuneration View full list

21 June 2009. Dear Sir/Madam. Re : Submission To Executive Remuneration Inquiry. I will endeavour to be succinct. Laws relating to any public corporation, any government authority or any private corporation deemed to be controlled in part by a

Date received: 21 Jun 2009

Origin Energy (PDF - 3630k)

Submission 93 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Date received: 19 Jun 2009

Ernst and Young (PDF - 159k)

Submission 92 for Executive Remuneration View full list

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. 18 June 2009. Executive Remuneration Inquiry Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins St. East Melbourne VIC 8003 Dear Sirs Review of Director and Executive

Date received: 19 Jun 2009

Woolworths Limited - Part 2 (PDF - 96k)

Submission 91 for Executive Remuneration View full list

REMUNERATION REPORT. 1 Introduction. At Woolworths, all of our employees play an important role in delivering the Company’s financial performance and our remuneration policies have been developed to provide market competitive remuneration in order

Date received: 17 Jun 2009

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