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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Nigel Fitzpatrick (Vic) (PDF - 13k)

Submission 202 for First Home Ownership View full list

19 November 2003 Productivity Commission LB2 Collins Street East Melbourne, Vic, 3000 Dears Sirs/Madams Re: Inquiry on First Home Ownership Affordability 1. The Federal Government needs to show that it is not putting politics ahead of the economy

Date received: 19 Nov 2003

J Gee (NSW) (PDF - 9k)

Submission 201 for First Home Ownership View full list

NSW. 12 Nov, ’03 Productivity Commission Inquiry Into Housing Affordability Level 28 35 Collins Street 18 Melbourne 2003 Victoria 3000. A Submission from a Concerned Citizen. Observed press reports of submissions already provided to this Inquiry

Date received: 18 Nov 2003

Klaus D Wiegel (Vic) (PDF - 27k)

Submission 200 for First Home Ownership View full list

Dr Klaus D Wiegel, VIC 15 November 2003 Productivity Commission Inquiry into First Home Ownership By e-mail Dear Sir, Submission to Inquiry into First Home Ownership I would like to make a submission for your consideration, knowing that it addresses

Date received: 17 Nov 2003

Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) (NSW) (PDF - 358k)

Submission 199 for First Home Ownership View full list

PRODUCTIVITY. COMMISSION INQUIRY. ON. FIRST HOME. OWNERSHIP. November 2003. Submission by. RESERVE BANK OF AUSTRALIA. ii. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Executive Summary … … … … … … … … … … … … 1. 1. The Australian Housing Market:

Date received: 14 Nov 2003

Northern Territory Treasury (NT) (PDF - 40k)

Submission 197 for First Home Ownership View full list

Northern Territory Government. Address all correspondence to: Telephone: The Under Treasurer, NT Treasury, GPO Box 1974, Darwin NT 0801 (08) 8999 6033. Location: Facsimile: 38 Cavenagh Street, Darwin NT 0800 (08) 8999 7150. Our Ref: ac031001. Your

Date received: 13 Nov 2003

Australian Building Codes Board (ACT) # (PDF - 216k)

Submission 198 for First Home Ownership View full list

S U B M I S S I O N T O P R O D U C T I V I T Y. C O M M I S S I O N I N Q U I R Y I N T O F I R S T H O M E. O W N E R S H I P. A U S T R A L I A N B U I L D I N G C O D E S B O A R D. 5 N O V E N B E R 2 0 0 3. 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY There are often

Date received: 13 Nov 2003

Don Stewart (NSW) (PDF - 7k)

Submission 196 for First Home Ownership View full list

Don Stewart NSW. Inquiry team The Affordability and Availability of Housing for First Home Buyers Productivity Commission LB2, Collins Street East Melbourne, Victoria 8003 Dear Commissioner, It always seems that there is a direct link between the

Date received: 12 Nov 2003

Property Council of Australia (Qld) # (PDF - 835k)

Submission 194 for First Home Ownership View full list

. !" # $ # % &'(%") ,'-, ).'/ 0'!"1 222,'- , ).'/ 0'!"1. T h e V o i c e o f L e a d e r s h i p. . A submission prepared by the Property Council of Australia. for the Productivity Commission October 2003. !". ! " #! $% &' #. # ( ) ( ) (

Date received: 10 Nov 2003

ANZ Banking Group Ltd (Vic) (PDF - 95k)

Submission 193 for First Home Ownership View full list

Increasing Affordability of Housing for First Home Buyers. ANZ Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry on First Home Ownership. 3 November 2003. Contents. Chapter 1 1 The housing market in Australia 1. 1.1 Introduction and summary 1 1.2

Date received: 7 Nov 2003

Advanced Systems Accounting Pty Ltd (NSW) (PDF - 5k)

Submission 192 for First Home Ownership View full list

From: Louis M Leahy Sent: 6 November 2003 5:50 PM Cc: Subject: FW: Home Owners Caught In Cross Fire. -----Original Message----- From: Louis M Leahy Sent: 6 November 2003 4:42 PM To:

Date received: 6 Nov 2003

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