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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Sustainable Population Australia (ACT) (PDF - 25k)

Submission 36 for First Home Ownership View full list

. . 14 September 2003. Productivity Commission LB 2, Collins St East MELBOURNE VIC 8003. Attention: Ms Athena Wicks. Inquiry on First Home Ownership. Sustainable Population Australia (Canberra Region) welcomes the opportunity to make a brief

Date received: 18 Sep 2003

NE Renton and Associates (Vic) (PDF - 20k)

Submission 34 for First Home Ownership View full list

From: Nick Renton Sent: 18 September 2003 10:47 To: Subject: Submission to the Inquiry on First Home Ownership. This submission comments on two aspects of housing which have been the subject of recent

Date received: 18 Sep 2003

Building Products Innovation Council (BPIC) (ACT) (PDF - 60k)

Submission 31 for First Home Ownership View full list

Building Products Innovation Council Ltd – The Hidden Costs of Regulation September 2003. 1. ISSUES PAPER SEPTEMBER 2003. Productivity Commission Inquiry into First Home Ownership. Building regulation – the hidden costs of building and planning

Date received: 18 Sep 2003

Erskinomics Consulting Pty Ltd (NSW) (PDF - 34k)

Submission 32 for First Home Ownership View full list

Erskinomics Consulting Pty Limited 1 of 5. Erskinomics Consulting Pty Limited PO Box H173 Australia Square NSW 1215. Ph: 02 9299 4420 Fax: 02 9299 4795 Email: 17 September 2003. Dear Commissioners. Submission to the

Date received: 17 Sep 2003

Colin C Clarke (Vic) (PDF - 9k)

Submission 28 for First Home Ownership View full list

From: Colin Clarke Sent: 15 September 2003 13:08 To: Subject: Home Ownership Inquiry - SUBMISSION Your web site does not have a "Make a Submission" link so far as I can see, so I am putting my submission in this email.

Date received: 15 Sep 2003

Kevin Davies, Dr Ken Lyons and Mr Ed Cottrell (Qld) # (PDF - 214k)

Submission 29 for First Home Ownership View full list

14th September 2003 The Chairman Inquiry on First Home Ownership Sir This is a submission to the Inquiry on First Home Ownership on behalf of Dr Ken Lyons, Mr Ed Cottrell and Mr Kevin Davies Background: Following commissions from

Date received: 14 Sep 2003

AV Jennings Limited (NSW) (PDF - 38k)

Submission 35 for First Home Ownership View full list

Ref: sub035.doc. 25 September 2003. Mr Gary Banks Chairman Productivity Commission Level 3 Nature Conservation House Cnr Emu Bank &Benjamin Way BELCONNEN ACT 2616. Dear Mr Banks,. Further to your recent conversation with Louis Milkovits, I have

Date received: 12 Sep 2003

Nigel Fitzpatrick (Vic) (PDF - 16k)

Submission 27 for First Home Ownership View full list

PREAMBLE. This is my third submission to the First Home Ownership Affordability Inquiry. My first submission to the Inquiry highlighted the need for the Productivity Commission to look into the role played by monetary policy in the decline in first

Date received: 11 Sep 2003

Garth Buchanan (ACT) (PDF - 9k)

Submission 25 for First Home Ownership View full list

ACT 6 September 2003 Dear Commissioners. SUBMISSION TO THE COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY ON FIRST HOME OWNERSHIP. I believe that it is appropriate to hold an inquiry into the affordability and availability of housing for first home buyers. However, I am

Date received: 9 Sep 2003

Anne Hayes (ACT) (PDF - 18k)

Submission 26 for First Home Ownership View full list

Ms A L Hayes ACT. 9 September 2003 Mr Gary Banks Commission Chairman Inquiry on First Home Ownership Dear Commissioner I welcome the opportunity to express my views, and outline my personal circumstances, in relation to being able

Date received: 9 Sep 2003

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