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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Water Services Association of Australia (Vic) (PDF - 12k)

Submission DR297 for First Home Ownership View full list

13 February 2004 The Commissioners First Home Ownership Inquiry Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins Street East MELBOURNE VIC 8003 Dear Sirs. FIRST HOME OWNERSHIP DISCUSSION DRAFT. The Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) is the

Date received: 16 Feb 2004

Sustainable Population Australia (ACT) (ACT) (PDF - 30k)

Submission DR299 for First Home Ownership View full list

Sustainable Population Australia inc PO Box 297. CIVIC SQUARE ACT 2608 Ph: 02 6235 5488. Fax: 02 6235 5499 Patrons: Prof Frank Fenner. Prof Tim Flannery Prof Ian Lowe Dr Mary White Dr Paul Collins. 15

Date received: 16 Feb 2004

Urban Development Institute of Australia (WA) (WA) (PDF - 29k)

Submission DR298 for First Home Ownership View full list

Urban Development Institute of Australia Western Australian Division Incorporated. Ref: 23.4 13 February 2004 By Email: Productivity Commission - Inquiry on First Home Ownership LB2, Collins Street East Melbourne, Victoria 8003

Date received: 16 Feb 2004

Moreland City Council (Vic) # (PDF - 31k)

Submission DR296 for First Home Ownership View full list

K:inquiry housing subs subdr296.doc d. 13 February 2003. . 1. Overview. Moreland is a ‘brownfields’municipality, which stretches from the inner to middle. suburban ring to the north of Melbourne. It has a population of approx 137, 000. people in

Date received: 16 Feb 2004

Stephen Koci (Vic) (PDF - 28k)

Submission DR300 for First Home Ownership View full list

Should that be cynical instead of cyclical in regard to any action to really help first homebuyers. I received your Discussion paper with great interest but after reading it, I’m very cynical about the report. As you state in your report, “In

Date received: 16 Feb 2004

BGC Residential (WA) (PDF - 97k)

Submission DR292 for First Home Ownership View full list

K:inquiry housing subs subdr292.doc. . ! © subdr292.doc. "#$"! %%# ! " "#$% &'(' ") ( " ""' ( "' ,-././01.- 1 2 1 . 0.1! " % & 3 .2( "4 5 ' """' 1 " ) %. 6 " " 7 8 (.- 3 4" "&2 ' ""'' ""5 1 2' """ '. .9 ' :

Date received: 13 Feb 2004

The Australian Workers' Union (AWU) (PDF - 30k)

Submission DR290 for First Home Ownership View full list

AWU NATIONAL OFFICE 685 Spencer Street West Melbourne VIC 3003 Telephone: (03) 8327 0888 Facsimile (03) 8327 0899 Email Address: Website: National Secretary. Bill Shorten. The Australian Workers’Union.

Date received: 13 Feb 2004

Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (PDF - 62k)

Submission DR291 for First Home Ownership View full list

Productivity Commission First Home Ownership Inquiry. Submission of the Australian Council of Trade Unions. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU). The ACTU is the peak council for organised labour in Australia and represents over 1.8 million

Date received: 13 Feb 2004

Property Owners Association of Australia (PDF - 29k)

Submission DR288 for First Home Ownership View full list

PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA. President : Bruce McBryde P.O. Box 1984 TOOWONG QLD 4066. Hon. Secretary : Robert Baker PO Box 1730 West Perth, WA 6872 www. Inquiry into First Home Ownership 11/2/04

Date received: 12 Feb 2004

Colin Cook (PDF - 17k)

Submission DR286 for First Home Ownership View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission on the subject of. First Home Ownership, Discussion Draft, Melbourne, December 2003. Red Herring ‘Owner occupiers benefit significantly from the non-taxation of imputed rental. income….’This concept is a

Date received: 12 Feb 2004

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