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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Wattle Range Council (PDF - 199k)

Submission 233 for Gambling (2010) View full list

Date received: 3 Apr 2009

Amity Community Services (PDF - 71k)

Submission 167 for Gambling (2010) View full list

GAMBLING HARM MINIMISATION IN THE NORTHERN TERRITORY. Submission to the Productivity Commission. by Amity Community Services Inc. Debra Mill. Nicola Coalter. P r o d u c t i v i t y C o m m i s s i o n S u b m i s s i o n M a r c h 2 0 0 9 Page 2.

Date received: 3 Apr 2009

ATM Industry Reference Group (PDF - 682k)

Submission 137 for Gambling (2010) View full list

1 ATM Industry Reference Group - Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Gambling. ATM Industry Reference Group. Submission from the ATM Industry Reference Group to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Gambling. 31 March 2009. All

Date received: 3 Apr 2009

Gambling Research Unit, Charles Darwin University (PDF - 67k)

Submission 168 for Gambling (2010) View full list

1. A New National Framework for Australian Gambling Research: A Discussion Paper on the. Potential Challenges and Processes Involved. Gambling Research Unit School for Social and Policy Research. Institute of Advanced Studies Charles Darwin

Date received: 3 Apr 2009

Libby Mitchell (PDF - 59k)

Submission 157 for Gambling (2010) View full list

GAMBLING INQUIRY PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. MARCH 2009 CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS. PERSONAL SUBMISSION. Gambling Inquiry. Productivity Commission. Locked bag 2. Collins Street East, Melbourne VIC 3000. Australia. 27th March 2009. Dear Commissioners,. Thank

Date received: 2 Apr 2009

Boystown (PDF - 488k)

Submission 142 for Gambling (2010) View full list

Date received: 1 Apr 2009

Orange Ex-Services Club Ltd (PDF - 37k)

Submission 144 for Gambling (2010) View full list

OUR CLUB - OUR COMMUNITY - OUR COMMITMENT. Over $9 Million. That’s how much our club was worth to our community in 2008! • In 2008 the Orange Ex-Services’Club contributed more than $162, 000 to the community through CDSE and general donations;.

Date received: 1 Apr 2009

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