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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Rural Directions (PDF - 38k)

Submission 35 for Government Drought Support View full list

Objective ID A262582 Ver 0.1. RESPONSES TO NATIONAL DROUGHT POLICY REVIEW: PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION Agency… … … Rural Directions Pty Ltd… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Author… … … John Squires… …

Date received: 21 Aug 2008

WRB and SJ Rogerson (PDF - 204k)

Submission 53 for Government Drought Support View full list

Submission to Government Drought Support Inquiry – August 2008 1. Inquiry into Drought Support. We as farmers who have been exposed to several droughts wish to make a submission to the Inquiry into Government Drought Support. Our experience lies

Date received: 21 Aug 2008

Hon Wendy Duncan MLC (PDF - 64k)

Submission 50 for Government Drought Support View full list

20 August 2008 Government Drought Support Inquiry Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins St East MELBOURNE VIC 8003 To whom it may concern Submission to the economic inquiry into Government Drought Support When considering distribution of aid

Date received: 20 Aug 2008

Mr Ken Calder (PDF - 16k)

Submission 29 for Government Drought Support View full list

DROUGHT SUBMISSION 2008 By Ken Calder Dip F.M. Current drought relief assistance programmes are highly inequitable and very difficult for deserving farmers to meet the set criteria. But then nothing much has changed over my life as a farmer. The

Date received: 20 Aug 2008

Bureau of Meteorology (PDF - 150k)

Submission 33 for Government Drought Support View full list

UNCLASSIFIED Page 1 of 5. Inquiry into Government Drought Support. Bureau of Meteorology submission The Bureau of Meteorology (Bureau) offers the following submission to the “Inquiry into Government Drought Support”of the Productivity Commission.

Date received: 20 Aug 2008

Mid Lachlan Alliance (PDF - 292k)

Submission 38 for Government Drought Support View full list

Mid Lachlan Alliance, Bland Shire Council and. RLPB. Inquiry into Government Drought Support. August 2008. INQUIRY INTO GOVERNMENT DROUGHT SUPPORT Productivity Commission Issues Paper. Page 2 K:inquiry drought initial-submissions original Sub 38-Mid

Date received: 20 Aug 2008

Philippa Morris (PDF - 166k)

Submission 23 for Government Drought Support View full list

Submission: Philippa Morris . Page 1 of 11 . This submission outlines my private view of some of the underlying causes of drought and indebtedness in agriculture,

Date received: 20 Aug 2008

Macquarie River Food and Fibre (PDF - 96k)

Submission 36 for Government Drought Support View full list

Productivity Commission. Inquiry into Government Drought Support. July 2008. Submission by Macquarie River Food &Fibre 20th August 2008. Macquarie River Food &Fibre PO Box 1657 Dubbo NSW 2830. Ph: 02 6884 9577 Fax: 02 6882 8838 Email:

Date received: 20 Aug 2008

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