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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

John Pitman (PDF - 113k)

Submission DR62 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

Dear Productivity Commission. Re: Reaction to Draft HFE Inquiry. The Draft HFE report paints a well researched and compelling picture of a robust Australian Economic policy from the OUTSIDE, but one that is dysfunctional INSIDE. However it is from

Date received: 31 Oct 2017

Jack Priestly (PDF - 33k)

Submission DR59 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

The Northern Territory is of strategic importance to Australia but its resources and potential are left untapped due to lack of infrastructure, population and services. Reducing our GST revenue will do nothing for the long-term national interest. It

Date received: 27 Oct 2017

Phillip Bubb (PDF - 213k)

Submission DR60 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

P a g e | 1. COMMONWEALTH GRANTS COMMISSION METHODS. AND THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION REVIEW. Thursday, 26 October 2017. This is a personal submission. I worked for the Grants Commission from 1983 to 1996, and for the then Industries Assistance

Date received: 26 Oct 2017

Doug Buckley (PDF - 68k)

Submission DR57 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

Comment on 9 October 2017 Productivity. Commission draft report on HFE. Doug Buckley, 17 October 2017. General There is a chance that I have missed it in your publications but surely there is a case for the PC including some kind of overall comment

Date received: 17 Oct 2017

Arthur Downing (PDF - 129k)

Submission 56 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

Downing submission Page 1. Productivity Commission submission on GST Introduction This submission is presented from the viewpoint of an interested citizen who feels part of the silent majority. I lack detailed knowledge of any of the processes

Date received: 4 Sep 2017

Peter Brohier (PDF - 177k)

Submission 8 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

1. 26th June 2017. Inquiry into Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation by the Productivity Commission. Submission by Peter Brohier,. 143 Kooyong Road, Nth. Caulfield. Vic. 3161. Attachments numbered 1 to 19 are to be part of this submission. HFE – first

Date received: 30 Aug 2017

Australian Bankers' Association (ABA) (PDF - 164k)

Submission 55 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

Level 3, 56 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000. Australia 61 2 8298 0417 lir@austbankers (7) RECEIVED co. 2 9 AUG 2017 CHAIRMAN'S. OFFICE. apA AUSTRALIAN BANKERS' OM ASSOCIATION INC. Strong banks - strong Australia. 16 August 2017. Mr Peter

Date received: 29 Aug 2017

Jim Hancock (PDF - 301k)

Submission 54 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

Jim Hancock. Deputy Director South Australian Centre for Economic Studies University of Adelaide SA 5005 AUSTRALIA Level 3, Nexus Tower 10 Pulteney Street Adelaide SA 5000 Telephone 61 8 8313 5515 Facsimile 61 8 8313 4916 CRICOS provider number

Date received: 2 Aug 2017

Victorian Government (PDF - 357k)

Submission 53 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

Victorian Government Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Australia’s System of Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation D17/226913. The Secretary Department of Treasury and Finance 1 Treasury Place Melbourne Victoria 3002 Australia

Date received: 1 Aug 2017

NSW Government (PDF - 1485k)

Submission 52 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Australia’s. system of Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation. July 2017. NSW Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Australia’s system of Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation ii.

Date received: 31 Jul 2017

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