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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Dr Jill Bestic (PDF - 77k)

Submission 159 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission Access to and equity in health provision is the right of every single person living in Australia. I have been a GP for 34 years and worked in many circumstances and realise the need for all to have access to sound health. Not a

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Prof H Lee Seldon (PDF - 79k)

Submission 170 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission Private healthcare as in the USA model fails because. 1) it is the most expensive in the world;. 2) it excludes poor people (at least until Obama came along). The world's best healthcare systems are the PUBLIC European ones.

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Cheryl McCarthy (PDF - 25k)

Submission 105 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission I am concerned about private providers increasingly providing health services due to the decreased education opportunities for new health graduates in public hospitals. Private hospitals generally look after less unwell patients,

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Pat Best (PDF - 44k)

Submission 65 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

I am a nurse, mother of 4 sons, grandmother of 8. I have worked in Australia, Belgium, and UK, also lived in USA &Singapore. Been hospitalised, or had medical treatment in all those countries. USA was a disaster, unless one was rich, or had Company

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Shannon Asa (PDF - 77k)

Submission 208 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission The most vulnerable people in our community are often those who experience poverty and access to basic health care will partly ensure that these people do not fall further into an underclass. Without health care sick and dying

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Natalie Stevens (PDF - 75k)

Submission 205 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission I am opposed to the privatisation of our community services as running them for profit has the potential to money away from the most vulnerable people in our society and is a conflict of interest. The not for profit and public

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Michelle Ricketts (PDF - 55k)

Submission 84 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

The government is voted into power by the people and it is up to the government to look after the people and provide basic health and hospital services for them. Medicare is needed to ensure everyone has access to drs and hospitals. In many cases,

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Helen Day (PDF - 75k)

Submission 156 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission I work in rural communities and private sector podiatrists will not come out here to serve the local communities because they don't make any money. We must keep Medicare out of private hands because profits will rule and there will

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

John Brell (PDF - 31k)

Submission 51 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Hand off our medicare system, it works a lot better than the American model. A wealth of historical and international evidence tells us that increasing the presence of private providers in our public healthcare system will undermine the quality and

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Dr Gwyn Jolley (PDF - 58k)

Submission 72 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Medicare must be protected from privatisation. Any introduction of profit driven health care threatens our excellent universal health care system and will lead to a two tier system and inequity in health outcomes. There is overwhelming evidence from

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

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