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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Dr Lester Mascarenhas (PDF - 78k)

Submission 184 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission Privatising Medicare will not achieve our aim of improving the health of the nation. Proponents of privatisation claim that free market economics will help bring costs down and address need. There is strong international evidence to

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Craig Morgan (PDF - 8k)

Submission 108 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission I work in the public hospital sector and I believe that any further privatisation of health care in Australia will result in lowering of standards of care. Many in our community cannot afford to pay any more. We know from experience

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Pat Kirkham (PDF - 79k)

Submission 160 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission Having thirty years experience in health it is vital that Medicare stays in the Public Domain. In private hands there are many operations and investigations done which are not in the best interests of the patient. In public

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Julie Gabriel (PDF - 8k)

Submission 111 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission I've worked as midwife/CNS in reproductive medicine at RPA for 20 years, delivering high quality, safe, non-discriminatory and affordable assisted reproduction to a diverse community of people who would otherwise be unable to afford

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Claire Douglas (PDF - 59k)

Submission 60 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Like all great societies we provide free healthcare for all and it is absolutely critical that this is maintained at a high standard. In my profession it is now almost impossible to see a dietician at short notice unless you are an inpatient.

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Jenny Esots (PDF - 62k)

Submission 73 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Our public system is one of the best in the world. As a registered nurse of almost 40 years I commend our current standard of health care. Standards are the important criteria to measure a system. Not codes or costings. Our standards are high. We

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Sue Walshe (PDF - 34k)

Submission 54 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

I have had many years of working in and evaluating health systems. Living in the US for a few years convinced me of the appalling inequity of that system where millions of US citizens are unable to afford health insurance. For those with insurance,

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Prof Ian Maddocks (PDF - 9k)

Submission 116 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission It is a fundamental tenet of Australian life that basic health care and education to the end of secondary schooling should be equally available to all persons. Private medicine is controlled by the demand for profit and promote

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Anne Powles (PDF - 76k)

Submission 196 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission. Health care is a very difficult subject as there will rarely be sufficient funds for every individual to have the care they need and may want. Therefore it is a system that needs to have clearly set ways to prioritise in individual

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Paris Luckie (PDF - 58k)

Submission 76 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Hi, I'm a third year nursing student about to graduate and hopefully enter the public workforce. However I do not wish to enter a public health care service that cannot fairly and adequately provide health care to all people no matter what colour or

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

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