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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Darren Goossens (PDF - 52k)

Submission DR165 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

May 23, 2016. To whom it may concern:. I'd like to address the issues of copyright and parallel imports, though I am not a commercial author, editor or publisher or working in the industry at all. Lifting or parallel import restrictions will reduce

Date received: 23 May 2016

Paul Sharrad (PDF - 170k)

Submission DR172 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

Response to the Productivity Commission Draft Report of April 2016: ‘Intellectual Property Arrangements’. The stated aims of the Commission include:. - to improve the overall wellbeing of Australian society,. - to encourage creativity,

Date received: 23 May 2016

Dee White (PDF - 74k)

Submission DR170 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

Australian authors earn an average of $12, 900 per year from their writing, and reducing the copyright period will reduce their income even further because it will prevent us from receiving future earnings on titles after the stipulated period of

Date received: 22 May 2016

Susanna Elliott-Newth - Part A (PDF - 55k)

Submission DR169 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

The Productivity Commission. To whom it may concern. The issue of copyright and how it has been policed has always been a bone of contention for me, as well as other authors who write materials that we chose to protect from unauthorised copying. The

Date received: 22 May 2016

Susanna Elliott-Newth - Part B (PDF - 38k)

Submission DR169 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

In 1999 I wrote a resource that set the specific purpose of providing materials for a teacher- training initiative. This package of resources contained innovative literacy resources never produced in this format and content before. A group of

Date received: 22 May 2016

Pat Lowe (PDF - 142k)

Submission DR168 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ARRANGEMENTS I note that both of the Commissioners have a background in economics and finance, and neither has experience in the Arts. I note also the terms of reference of the inquiry into Intellectual Property Arrangements,

Date received: 22 May 2016

Dr Kathryn Fox (PDF - 177k)

Submission DR166 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

Kathryn Fox. 1. RE: Productivity Commission Draft Report on Intellectual Property INTRODUCTION I am a full-time Australian author whose sole income is derived from writing. I am also a small business owner who pays income tax, company tax and GST. I

Date received: 22 May 2016

Xavier Brouwer (PDF - 97k)

Submission DR171 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

FEEDBACK ON THE DRAFT IP REPORT Xavier Brouwer, Music Theatre Writer/Creator Australian music theatre writers spend many years of our lives developing and creating large and complex works, mostly with no government or commercial funding. In most

Date received: 21 May 2016

Paul Harpur (PDF - 135k)

Submission DR174 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

Dr Paul Harpur. Senior Lecturer,. TC Beirne School of Law,. University of Queensland. Thursday, 26 May 2016. Intellectual Property Arrangements. Productivity Commission. GPO Box 1428. Canberra City ACT 2601. RE: Submission. Introduction. Thank you

Date received: 21 May 2016

Democratic Pirates Australia (PDF - 110k)

Submission DR162 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

Democratic Pirates Australia. Subject: Copyright reform, as proposed by Productivity Commission. May 15, 2016. To Productivity Commission;. Democratic Pirates Australia has reviewed the Intellectual Property Arrangements Draft Report and its key

Date received: 14 May 2016

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