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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Post-draft comments from other interested persons (PDF - 270k)

Submission C8 for Mental Health View full list

COMMENTS FROM OTHER INTERESTED PERSONS 1. Productivity Commission. Inquiry into Mental Health. This document includes comments received after the Inquiry draft report was released, up. until 27 March 2020, for which the submitter gave their approval

Date received: 27 Mar 2020

Post-draft comments from single focus on early childhood development (PDF - 304k)

Submission C9 for Mental Health View full list

COMMENTS FOCUSSED ON EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT 1. Productivity Commission. Inquiry into Mental Health. This document includes comments received after the Inquiry draft report was released, up. until 27 March 2020, for which the submitter gave

Date received: 27 Mar 2020

Justice Health Unit – University of Melbourne (PDF - 120k)

Submission 1237 for Mental Health View full list

20 January 2020. Mental Health Inquiry Productivity Commission Australian Government. Re: Mental illness and substance use disorders among people leaving prison. Dear Productivity Commissioners,. I am writing to provide updated estimates of the cost

Date received: 23 Mar 2020

Justice Action (JA) (PDF - 551k)

Submission 929 for Mental Health View full list

1. Mental Health Submission to Productivity Commission January 24, 2020. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE. About Justice Action 2. Failed system: the medical model 3. The current system: therapy or abuse? 3. Improper police response to mental health crises:

Date received: 23 Mar 2020

Oliver Shead (PDF - 228k)

Submission 1236 for Mental Health View full list

22/01/2020. To Whom It May Concern:. I am writing a submission to the Productivity Commission as I am extremely concerned about what is. really occurring with proposals in the Draft Report for our children. I note that the Draft Report proposes “a

Date received: 9 Mar 2020

Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) (PDF - 655k)

Submission 1235 for Mental Health View full list

QAIHC SUBMISSION TO THE. Productivity Commission. SUBMISSION. Mental Health Draft Inquiry Report. February 2020. Page | 2. © Queensland Aboriginal and. Islander Health Council 2020. You may cite, distribute and build. upon this work. However, you

Date received: 9 Mar 2020

Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) (PDF - 214k)

Submission 818 for Mental Health View full list

Specialists in Criminal, Administrative,. Family, Immigration and Children’s Law. Victoria Legal Aid - 23 January 2020 Page 1. Melbourne Office. 23 January 2020. The Commissioners Mental Health Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra

Date received: 5 Mar 2020

Bob Riessen (PDF - 72k)

Submission 1234 for Mental Health View full list

Commissioners Productivity Commission. Dear Commissioners 26.2.20. POST ADELAIDE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INTERVIEW COMMENTS. Thank you for the privilege of being able to present my thoughts on the mental health system in a submission, then to give

Date received: 2 Mar 2020

Medical Consumers Association (MCA) (PDF - 237k)

Submission 1233 for Mental Health View full list

Tom Benjamin, PhD, for Medical Consumers Association Inc. Reg. No. INC1171602 Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health,. elaboration on oral comment on the Draft Report Public Hearing, South Australia, 5 February 2020. Thank you Commission

Date received: 2 Mar 2020

Ernst and Young (EY) (PDF - 177k)

Submission 1232 for Mental Health View full list

A member firm of Ernst &Young Global Limited Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation ACN 004 860 860. Ernst &Young Services Pty Limited 200 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia GPO Box 2646 Sydney NSW 2001.

Date received: 26 Feb 2020

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