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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Celine Taylor (PDF - 28k)

Submission 1055 for Mental Health View full list

22 Jan 2020. Dear sir, or Madame,. I would like to make it known that I DO NOT believe the screening of young. children (0-3 years), will be of much benefit and in fact, it is waste of money. We have found from the screening was scrapped in 2015,

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Glen Barnett (PDF - 26k)

Submission 964 for Mental Health View full list

Dear Sir/Madame,. I would like to express my concern at the proposal to screen and drug infants (0-3 years old). This old chestnut was scrapped in 2015 and for good reason. The screening questions were so subjective that any child could be at risk

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Villoni Wuerfel (PDF - 49k)

Submission 1067 for Mental Health View full list

To Whom it May Concern: I was told by my mother about the ‘social and emotional wellbeing checks”for 0-3 year olds that she saw in the newspaper and I do not want this to be approved. I am an auntie and I also have a little brother and no child

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Valerie Hansen (PDF - 49k)

Submission 1093 for Mental Health View full list

I am not in favour of the early intervention for young children. I tender my objection as a mother who has given birth to and successfully raised 5 children. Children are best under the care of loving parents, people who understand them and give

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

John Miller (PDF - 49k)

Submission 1061 for Mental Health View full list

Official Complaint on New Mental Illness Law To whom it may concern, As a parent, the idea of sending 0-3 year olds to be screened for mental illness is absurd. I would never give my child a drug which has as it’s listed side affects violence and

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Adrian Barkus (PDF - 119k)

Submission 1159 for Mental Health View full list

c-o cj>- Tf b( oc A-Lg> k-buc3) t T1. Hi>. C41R))(2---N ( tit. 94Gc oiJa2-7. vJc-r-H oJ- F- Th -V(.16-Q. Qt-(t coo C. L-7R A-use. tS 4-1 fft- -. PI 1- Ct3L5>. 1A-17„-. 111" N• LI ((jC, UDUJ Wi. efeL-9-sANP-4) D -T. Dact. who LI cpoolop. 4-. AA,

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Megaera Fagan (PDF - 41k)

Submission 1014 for Mental Health View full list

To Whom It May Concern:. I have just read about the proposed mental screening of 0-3 year olds, I find the concept of screening children of this age absolutely ridiculous as well as a complete waste of taxpayer dollars. Firstly, who decides whats

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Name withheld (PDF - 1838k)

Submission 1180 for Mental Health View full list

IJ,. I. fo. A: /o-f WDv', fe ¾ n 6-Rfo/--e. /v'<? nf- 117. 'ihn; e. M£T f n.S. /oy-<?/ APlr'-€ , q fJHr/'Ok. 1 n /1 le c t -lo Pl C? h1 /tJJ/- CJ.n/i o{.o/1-€ < 1, an; f{ 77,41 k,.e fez/ea1,. T/ -/J,.a:/--- t5 Njyq- M//J:Je! nf p,

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Akiko Wood (PDF - 61k)

Submission 1027 for Mental Health View full list

Dear Sir,. I would like to submit my opposition to the proposal to screen 1.25 million children aged 0-3 years old for mental illness or emerging mental illness. The definition of infant mental health is still a matter of debate. According to the

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Sarah Billington (PDF - 47k)

Submission 1021 for Mental Health View full list

As a concerned citizen, I want to say that the idea of screaming babies aged 0-3 for mental health issues is ridiculous. Honestly, can anyone say that a pre-verbal child who is crying is displaying mental health issues? Or who isn’t settling or

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

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