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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Tammy Kiggins (PDF - 41k)

Submission 814 for Mental Health View full list

Dear Commissioners, I am writing to you to voice my concern about the implementation of screening and drugging of 0-3 year olds for mental illness or "symptoms of mental illness, ”as per the Productivity Commissions Mental Health Inquiry. I am yet

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Big League Pty Ltd (PDF - 27k)

Submission 971 for Mental Health View full list

Regarding Screening of Children 0-3 years of age for mental health is not ok. Dear commissioner , As a parent and an employer, it makes no sense for there to be allowed screening of children of any early age. Children are vulnerable and at the

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Belinda Willis (PDF - 78k)

Submission 1070 for Mental Health View full list

To whom it may concern. 18 January 2020. I would like to voice my objections to the proposal to screen babies and young kids for mental illnesses. I think the society has gone a bit batty that we are now looking for mental illness in babies I mean

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Gavin Keon (PDF - 84k)

Submission 1156 for Mental Health View full list

4- --(0 ref rte ct, caved-te -1150/ fs d7? S'. evteo 1/1 ad.) NT. A Li- 41-v- /. oi71). wed J-77( frke - pea) 7( an tiv d o; ce. n wgs a 01 6jecil--:cm5' ) 78A74c1/ 41-t6. ead (067/51 tr 4-01 bee. 14/ ho Aa 64-ee 41-e1. -frhe tre4' ch -d. 191/014- 5

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Shane Beats (PDF - 51k)

Submission 1000 for Mental Health View full list

Dear Sir, I am writing to you regarding the proposed introduction of screening and potentially drugging our 0- 3-year-old Australian children. I am a father and a granddad and honestly, I am horrified at the prospect of any child being screened for

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Keiko Shimizu (PDF - 96k)

Submission 982 for Mental Health View full list

Dear Commissioners. 15th January 2020 I would like to put my feeling and observation regarding to plan to implement screening of 0-3 years olds for mental illnesses. I am a mother who is Japanese and live in Australia. This plan for implementing

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Geoffrey Dawson (PDF - 72k)

Submission 966 for Mental Health View full list

Comment on the Mental Health Draft Report. I am writing out of concern as a Parent &Grandparent regarding the proposal to incorporate social and emotional wellbeing checks into existing developmental checks for 0 – 3 year olds. As stated in the

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Kim Bloomberg (PDF - 44k)

Submission 1056 for Mental Health View full list

Attn: Australian Government Productivity Commission. 22nd Of January, 2020. Re: Mental Health Screening. Dear Sir/Madam,. Thank you for the opportunity to submit feedback in regard to the inquiry into increasing focus and possibly the amount spent

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Hannah Bloomfield (PDF - 43k)

Submission 955 for Mental Health View full list

22/01/2020. Dear Commissioners,. I write to you regarding the Productivity Commission Draft Report about the screening of 0-3 yr old children. It is concerning to think that my child would be screened for mental health or any social related skills

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Stephen Fagan (PDF - 58k)

Submission 1081 for Mental Health View full list

To: 23/01/2020. Professor Stephen King, Presiding Commissioner, Mental Health Inquiry, Productivity Commission, Level 12, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000. RE: Prevention and Early Intervention. As a Family man I am very concerned about the

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

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