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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Peter Miranda (PDF - 18k)

Submission 1045 for Mental Health View full list

Hello I am a father and have successfully raised 4 children. I am extremely concerned with the proposal of mental health screening of our extremely young children 0-3! From my studies and research the idea of thinking you can discover curtail mental

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Richard Quinlan (PDF - 90k)

Submission 1174 for Mental Health View full list

/9A7 77,. LL. r. pr'67v-e) S ( 5 a F A A '7- 96- -4771-1-7C IL k-/ 4t/ (///:;/"I. 62. Dc'e77v(r7 Co/ti 44 / S; (0"A/. A F-7777/ /9- /t7 ce ( 67- ME/1- (/49 AZ /-. 5 , / Co/txCE/2/1// /zee ,/zefi.05/9e ( A17, it/5/v /1/2 0 tti. 74- Z.=7/11 P5'/c 12,

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Paul Reid (PDF - 26k)

Submission 990 for Mental Health View full list

22/01/2019 Dear Sir/Madam, I am very concerned that the government is considering screening of children, in particular those younger than 3 years old. These children have a right not to be given harmful psychiatric drugs at such an early age. They

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Andrew Fairlie (PDF - 42k)

Submission 1048 for Mental Health View full list

21/1/2020 Dear Commissioners, I would like to make it known that I am opposed to recommendations made in The Draft Report – specifically on page 11 where it is mentioned “The existing physical development checks of Australia’s 1.25 million 0

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Lisa Kamaralli (PDF - 39k)

Submission 1007 for Mental Health View full list

8 January 2020. Dear Commission,. After reading the October 2019 Mental Health Productivity Commission Draft Overview and Recommendations, I am concerned about some main key aspects of the report. These are the screening of babies and toddlers for

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Baiyu Chen (PDF - 179k)

Submission 1161 for Mental Health View full list

PrcctvituI film. T T roke WIPiArflCK hus (tin. L aye, ± 0 Stat vtiofilail SAdter cr( t frars er cj3e3t- Ae to rah. fdepressarrt T res-i -tcA tke dear a t tt -011-e bLLt 6 st s yoodft1. I ,. statc) fak colf e re, ssa. rf. nt ore -rbt ) ictve rio.

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Jennifer Costello (PDF - 122k)

Submission 1160 for Mental Health View full list

o. /. /o/1. d7. Sc,,,. (!) U/'. / Q,/'s o/d - 0. e 4 /). /. /a ,., c:: V u</1/d /J. /v c/ c/ s. c, f,,'/d-/1e /1 c/. /Y)?)-/CV A eCL/A. V. CL/. G vr 1/ (;; YS). l.-A,,-( < 2 0--:--. :ys (.,, D s ;,,-, c,,,; / 0. 7,,,, ,; c ,,. /S '1Qr Q., Ct--iS W

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Wenda Moore (PDF - 71k)

Submission 1085 for Mental Health View full list

I wish to say that I am very much against the screening of 0 – 3 year olds for social and emotional well being. Doing so will be used to put these children on psych drugs. Children of such a tender young age are still developing emotionally. To be

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Lynette Smith (PDF - 27k)

Submission 1002 for Mental Health View full list

21st January, 2020. Dear Commissioners,. As there are no pathological tests to determine any mental health condition, at any age, I. vehemently disagree that screening 0-3 year olds could identify any possible condition on a. subjective basis. With

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Kanda Quinlan (PDF - 74k)

Submission 1157 for Mental Health View full list

Daly 40juic;-1 Ca4i-tissio° 7. grr) 1-0. H.C1/641A. I 001 W) lekitAoc W4t, (46. Prwmemi- 4/4 gtt, cjAN‘venr, ti, okk (5.0 Nte.- - 1-1(2̂ 3 owQ co/-totpiel.t CfAte. zoAAJk. otv A- (4.N.14Q- SI. oVe-t eveA a WA iv) QL,! 4.•/11, wouAok 1 1kt.

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

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