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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

S Cann (PDF - 562k)

Submission 1152 for Mental Health View full list

' ( 4 I'-'.ere f rf-AeJ d 01,. rbed « hoi,.f. A7 1. · · 1 "'./7/f (-Je t bo'r tlre - I 4 f f (A, 1 (/.,'--' v t. lcre€.f') oF o-) :JC'qfolJ.J. Mor-Cf lf J"l&, f o /f{';-cALc,jy'L(. dkJ.j q,,.J if v, '(: cf a J.e k c. f (ClJ o c-)::

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Tim Bell (PDF - 70k)

Submission 1044 for Mental Health View full list

Productivity Commission Draft Report on Mental Health. Submission regarding Early Intervention. The report quotes the following:. T here remains considerable disquiet in the community about programs designed to detect emerging mental health issues

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Gaye Tindall (PDF - 44k)

Submission 1100 for Mental Health View full list

I am writing a submission regarding specifically the recommendations to screen infants to preschoolers for “social and emotional development before they enter preschool as a concerned citizen, mother, aunt, future grandmother. This has the risk of

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Gennaro Langella (PDF - 65k)

Submission 1170 for Mental Health View full list

6-6-4- k S 1-0A1-) 11415 er. /17:ay / 2 020. cJe7t 07y ect-ficeaesy Kiri;. c. itt kr -77- 14-re CW 1) 1 1212-6- e; t.) rei--6, 6-tW 1)-er-isi cdticrY. 91(4q S AFieit-en vrzy I At( e- (44- NJ) 14()(2-(3 cta A rstric),-( Irk 4 -ro PA-Cristr--c k-6.

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Robert Meister (PDF - 327k)

Submission 1038 for Mental Health View full list

Re: Proposal on 0-3 Mental Health Screening. Dear Commissioner. As an Musician, Hit Music Producer and Humanitarian, I have had personal experience with Psychiatry and Psychiatric drugs with friends and fellow artists. The proposal of screening with

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Kate Gee (PDF - 57k)

Submission 1092 for Mental Health View full list

Submission Mental Health Productivity Commission The idea of screening and drugging children 0-3 is unthinkable. Because a child doesn’t fit into a bunch of screening questions does not then mean they are prone to mental health issues. Sometimes

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Diane Atcheson (PDF - 73k)

Submission 1009 for Mental Health View full list

9 January 2020. I would like to submit my thoughts to the Psychiatric Funding and Productivity Commission regarding the early childhood intervention program. It is my view that funding for this program should be curtailed as it is spending our money

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Leigh Price (PDF - 29k)

Submission 1123 for Mental Health View full list

22 January 2020. Submission concerning the proposed psychiatric screening of 0-3 year olds. Dear Sir As an opening statement from a parental viewpoint, you do not have my consent and I do not condone such an act upon defenseless infants. From my

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Reg Evans (PDF - 48k)

Submission 970 for Mental Health View full list

14.1.2020 Dear Commissioners, I am writing with concerns about the Draft Report of the Mental Health Productivity Commission, which seems to be proposing funding for mental health screening of 0- 3 year olds. I am in my 60’s with two grownup

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Rachel Jacomb (PDF - 46k)

Submission 959 for Mental Health View full list

To Whom It May Concern,. I am writing about the grave concern I have regarding screening zero to three-year old for mental illness and putting them at risk of being drugged as a result. My son, now 19 years old, didn’t speak until he was at least

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

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