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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Back to submissions 1183-1226 (PDF - 330k)

Submission 1183-1226 for Mental Health View full list

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Leah Hutching (PDF - 56k)

Submission 1080 for Mental Health View full list

22 January 2020. SUBMISSION. Dear Commissioners,. I am writing to you in regards to the proposal of checking the O-3 year old age group for social and emotional wellbeing. I am concerned on such a proposal because I see this as an opportunity to

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Name Withheld (PDF - 46k)

Submission 1012 for Mental Health View full list

Dear Members of the Productivity Commission,. I am writing to you as a concerned member of the public in regards to the Mental Health Inquiry draft report. In it is suggested that, starting now, mental health screenings should be added to the

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Fergus Gartlan (PDF - 70k)

Submission 1034 for Mental Health View full list

20th January 2020. Submission Dear Sir or Madam, Here is my submission concerning the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health “Prevention and Early Intervention”. I am a parent of 3 and a grandparent of 2 and I am very very concerned

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Tarne Dirai (PDF - 489k)

Submission 1158 for Mental Health View full list

J-. ljClA uJ. As, Mo-1 I wvi. QM. be. t I. · · I{ S J Ce I--- iYtcu.,, J er CNl 'lll n Cf" Al( chil. 17, W I f I t./, 4 -k. up ( CoJ, Co//1 I+- &h { I,. J) eJ ' ; U) f - '-"'--' /. r. I. c , tv1e/¼:c V QS --tL.od l't 5, -tLLvl Wl 11. Lt {'cS 1re

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Helen Bassett (PDF - 387k)

Submission 1036 for Mental Health View full list

As a Great Grandmother I am alarmed at the prospect of new born to 3 year olds being. checked for psychiatric/mental health disorders. The stated ‘symptoms’such as irregular. feeding, difficulty sleeping, whining, crying, temper tantrums, shyness

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Paul Shiel (PDF - 138k)

Submission 1077 for Mental Health View full list

Productivity Commission 23 January 2020. To whom it may concern. My name is Paul Shiel and I am the founder of the Medal Mission Team in. Sydney and I work with the homeless, the marginalized and struggling. families. Prior to that I was an active

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Kay Seabrook (PDF - 46k)

Submission 1047 for Mental Health View full list

21 January 2020. Dear Commissioner Re: Proposed Social and Emotional Wellbeing Checks for children aged 0-3 years I am writing to express my concern regarding the proposal to screen children between the ages of 0-3 years for “social and emotional

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Sheree Webber (PDF - 125k)

Submission 951 for Mental Health View full list

Response to Productivity Commission Draft Report - The Webber Family (Family/Carers) 23rd January 2019 We strongly support the suggestion to deliver care that is seamless and joined-up regardless of how the individual first enters the mental health

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Timothy Cameron (PDF - 20k)

Submission 997 for Mental Health View full list

22nd January 2020. Dear Commissioners,. I am concerned about the new proposals I recently learned of regarding the screening of young children for mental illnesses, and would like to respectfully submit my viewpoint on recent developments. I am a

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

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