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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Australians for Mental Health (PDF - 224k)

Submission 1195 for Mental Health View full list

Page 1 of 7. Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health February 2020. Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health – Supplementary Submissions. Background. Australians for Mental Health (AFMH) is a grassroots

Date received: 7 Feb 2020

Name Withheld (PDF - 705k)

Submission 1109 for Mental Health View full list

Page 1. NAME WITHHELD. Submission to Productivity Commission Inquiry into. the Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health 2019. Lack of Understanding of, and Specialist Services for,. Family Psychopathology Surrounding Separation and

Date received: 7 Feb 2020

Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (PDF - 154k)

Submission 1214 for Mental Health View full list

Australian Council of Trade Unions response to the draft. Productivity Commission report into Mental Health. Mentally Healthy. Workplaces. ACTU Submission, 07 February 2020. ACTU D. No 09/2020. Contents. Introduction. 1. Feedback on the draft report

Date received: 7 Feb 2020

Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) (PDF - 935k)

Submission 1201 for Mental Health View full list

Page 1 of 6. 23 January 2020. INTRODUCTION. The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Productivity Commission's draft report on Mental Health. As the peak body for

Date received: 7 Feb 2020

Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (PDF - 642k)

Submission 1199 for Mental Health View full list

Response to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Social and Economic Benefits of Improving. Mental Health – Draft Report. 2 | Page. Contents REGIONAL COMMISSIONING AUTHORITIES. 3. Example in practice. Error! Bookmark not defined. THE

Date received: 7 Feb 2020

Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) (PDF - 837k)

Submission 1208 for Mental Health View full list

1 Locked Bag 4777 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Ph (02) 9310 6200 Fax (02) 9310 4822 Australian Council of Social Service Submission to the Draft Report –. Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Social and

Date received: 7 Feb 2020

National Rural Health Alliance (PDF - 698k)

Submission 1192 for Mental Health View full list

NATIONAL RURAL HEALTH ALLIANCE. Response to the Productivity Commission Mental Health Draft Report. F E B RUA R Y 2 0 2 0. Postal Address: PO Box 280 Deakin West ACT 2600 Address: 10 Campion St Deakin ACT 2600 Phone: (02) 6285 4660 Fax: (02) 6285

Date received: 7 Feb 2020

Law Council of Australia (PDF - 344k)

Submission 1204 for Mental Health View full list

Telephone 61 2 6246 3788 • Fax 61 2 6248 0639. Email GPO Box 1989, Canberra ACT 2601, DX 5719 Canberra. 19 Torrens St Braddon ACT 2612. Law Council of Australia Limited ABN 85 005 260 622. Draft

Date received: 7 Feb 2020

Public Health Association Australia (PDF - 342k)

Submission 1119 for Mental Health View full list

20 Napier Close Deakin ACT Australia, 2600 – PO Box 319 Curtin ACT Australia 2605 T: (02) 6285 2373 E: W: 3 February 2020. Supplementary Submission to the Commission’s Inquiry into the Role of Improving Mental

Date received: 7 Feb 2020

Mental Health, FECCA and NEDA (PDF - 368k)

Submission 1113 for Mental Health View full list

Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health Draft Report Submission from Mental Health Australia, FECCA and NEDA February 2020. 2 Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health Draft Report Submission from Mental Health Australia, FECCA

Date received: 7 Feb 2020

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