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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Relationships Australia (National) (PDF - 804k)

Submission 831 for Mental Health View full list

Page 1 of 21. 23 January 2020. Mental Health Inquiry. Productivity Commission. Online Submission. Productivity Commission – Mental Health Draft Report – Response. Relationships Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide a response to the

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Independent Private Psychiatrists Group (PDF - 181k)

Submission 742 for Mental Health View full list

Independent Private Psychiatrists Group: Further Submission in Response to the Productivity Commission’s Interim Report Overview Private psychiatrists want to contribute fully to the improvement of mental health and wellbeing of Australians. We

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Dr Stefanie Roth (PDF - 1875k)

Submission 841 for Mental Health View full list

Dr Stefanie Roth,. 1. Submission:. ‘Adding a Person-Centred (People-Oriented) Model of Care. to the Stepped Model of Care’ - and. ‘Comments and Suggested Changes to. Recommendations and Findings’.

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Community Mental Health Australia (CMHA) (PDF - 452k)

Submission 851 for Mental Health View full list

Submission from Community Mental Health. Australia (CMHA). on the Productivity Commission Draft Report. Mental Health. Community Mental Health Australia (CMHA) is a coalition of the eight state and territory peak community mental health and peak

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Back to submissions 1183-1226 (PDF - 108k)

Submission 1183-1226 for Mental Health View full list

1. Cost Recovery Review by Productivity Commission. IP Australia’s Submission on Issues Paper. Introduction. This submission supplements the Agency Questionnaire (attached) which gives more details of IP. Australia’s cost recovery. It firstly

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Mental Health Coalition SA (PDF - 1323k)

Submission 794 for Mental Health View full list

MHCSA Submission – Productivity Commission Draft Report: Mental Health P a g e | 1. PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION: DRAFT REPORT - MENTAL HEALTH. SUBMISSION MENTAL HEALTH COALITION SA. JANUARY 2020. CONTACT PERSON: Geoff Harris, Executive Director. MHCSA

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) (PDF - 883k)

Submission 869 for Mental Health View full list

Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health: Final Submission from the Mental Health Council of Tasmania. Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health. Final Submission from the Mental Health. Council of Tasmania. 23 January 2020.

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Robert Davis (PDF - 3389k)

Submission 772 for Mental Health View full list

Submission on Draft PC report by Robert Davis Jan 2020 Page 1. Submission in response to the Productivity Commission’s draft report on the Social and Economic benefits of improving Mental Health. 22nd January 2020. Some overall themes:. ‘A

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Wesley Mission (PDF - 1012k)

Submission 840 for Mental Health View full list

Document Name Page 0 of 19 Version 1. Wesley Mission Feedback January 2020 To the “Mental Health: Productivity Commission Draft Report Overview And Recommendations”. Wesley Mission Feedback for the. “Mental Health: Productivity Commission

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

BrainDx-Australia (PDF - 1394k)

Submission 805 for Mental Health View full list

Response To. The Australian Government Productivity Commission. Draft Report on Mental Health. Response To The Australian Government Productivity Commission Draft Report on Mental Health 2. Contents. I. Executive Summary … … … … … … …

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

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