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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (PDF - 436k)

Submission 115 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Our mission is to promote, protect and defend, through advocacy, the fundamental needs. and rights and lives of the most vulnerable people with disability in Queensland. Systems and Legal Advocacy for vulnerable people with Disability. Ph: (07) 3844

Date received: 30 Mar 2017

Summer Foundation (PDF - 462k)

Submission 113 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Summer Foundation Ltd. | ABN 90 117 719 516 | PO Box 208 Blackburn VIC 3130 | T 61 3 9894 7006 | F 61 3 8456 6325 Building better lives for young people in nursing homes | 08 Fall. National Disability Insurance Scheme

Date received: 30 Mar 2017

Ross Fear (PDF - 73k)

Submission 103 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

NDIS NDIA FAILING CLIENTS ALREADY IN ACCOMMODATION SUPPORT. The NDIS &NDIA knew well before hand that the State were transferring to the NDIS clients in state funded group homes and even state operated group homes. Yet the NDIS incompetently did not

Date received: 29 Mar 2017

Tricia Curley (PDF - 64k)

Submission 140 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Tricia Curley 27 March 2017. My Experience of NDIS - Thus Far. Hello! I am Tricia Curley a participant of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. My First Plan was developed in 2014. I live in Newcastle in the Hunter Valley NSW. We were designated

Date received: 29 Mar 2017

Freedom Key Pty Ltd (PDF - 202k)

Submission 125 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Freedom Key Pty Ltd | 53 Beetham Parade Rosanna VIC 3084 | ABN: 391 529 352 36. 22 March 2007 Review of NDIS Costs Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 BARTON ACT 2600 Attention: Mr. Peter Harris, Chairman. Dear Mr Harris, Thank you for this valued

Date received: 29 Mar 2017

Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (PDF - 464k)

Submission 95 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission. National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs Issues Paper. February, 2017. Prepared by Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children. Private Bag 29, Parramatta NSW 2124. Productivity Commission –

Date received: 29 Mar 2017

Financial Services Council (FSC) (PDF - 419k)

Submission 98 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

27th March 2017 National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs study Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2600 E-mail: To the Productivity Commission Review Officer,. FSC response to the National Disability

Date received: 29 Mar 2017

Public Health Association of Australia (PDF - 468k)

Submission 134 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

24 March 2017. Public Health Association of Australia submission on the. National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs –. Issues Paper. Contact for recipient: Productivity Commission E: T: (02) 62403250 Contact for PHAA:

Date received: 29 Mar 2017

Lifestart Co-operative Ltd (PDF - 336k)

Submission 97 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Lifestart Co-operative Ltd. Productivity Commission. Issues Paper. Inquiry into. National Disability Insurance Scheme. (NDIS) Costs. Lifestart Submission March 2017. .

Date received: 29 Mar 2017

Bruce Bonyhady (PDF - 250k)

Submission 100 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

1. SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION REVIEW OF NATIONAL DISABILITY INSURNACE SCHEME COSTS. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS or Scheme) is unique in Australian public policy. It is an economic reform as well as a social policy

Date received: 29 Mar 2017

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