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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Comments made to the National School Reform Agreement study (PDF - 182k)

Submission C1 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

National School Reform Agreement. 1. Brief comments received. Included are only those comments for which the submitter gave their permission for their comment to be published. No. Comment. 1 Teacher aides are invaluable in assisting with small group

Date received: 15 Sep 2022

Queensland Government (PDF - 312k)

Submission 53 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Productivity Commission Review of the National School Reform Agreement Queensland Government Submission. 2. Table of Contents. INTRODUCTION. 3. Evidence for drivers of outcomes. 4. QUEENSLAND CONTEXT. 5. Demographics and geography. 5. Queensland

Date received: 16 Aug 2022

Indigenous Education Consultative Meeting (IECM) (PDF - 307k)

Submission 52 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Page 1 of 14. Review of the National School Reform Agreement. Indigenous Education Consultative Meeting (IECM) Submission. Executive Summary. On 20 June 2022, Productivity Commission representatives, including Commissioners Natalie Siegel-. Brown

Date received: 12 Aug 2022

Australian Council of State School Organisations (ACSSO) (PDF - 354k)

Submission 51 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Submission. to the. Productivity Commission. Review of the National School Reform Agreement. Sharron Healy July 2022. One voice for every child in government education. ACSSO Submission to the Productivity Commission Review of the National School

Date received: 26 Jul 2022

Australian Professional Teachers Association (APTA) (PDF - 242k)

Submission 50 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Response to Call for submissions - Review of the National School Reform Agreement. 12 July 2022. The Australian Professional Teachers Association (APTA) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Call for Submissions – Review of the National

Date received: 12 Jul 2022

Ben Blackburn Racing (PDF - 477k)

Submission 49 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Ben Blackburn Racing submission to the Productivity Commission’s Review of the National School Reform Agreement . 2. Acknowledgement of Country. Ben Blackburn Racing acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the

Date received: 11 Jul 2022

Tasmanian Government (PDF - 214k)

Submission 46 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

3. Prioritisation for the National Measurement Framework (NMF) should consider the role that data plays for nationally consistent requirements, rather than reporting about jurisdictions or for schools. Without pre-empting what a future NSRA would

Date received: 7 Jul 2022

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) (PDF - 940k)

Submission 45 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

ACARA - Review of the National School Reform Agreement. 1. Review of the National School Reform Agreement: The National Measurement Framework for Schooling in Australia. Submission by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority

Date received: 7 Jul 2022

Australian Government Primary Principals Association (AGPPA) (PDF - 232k)

Submission 47 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Australian Government Primary Principals Association. 16 June 2022. National School Reform Agreement Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins St East Melbourne Vic 8003. Review of the National School Reform Agreement The Australian Government

Date received: 5 Jul 2022

Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA) (PDF - 288k)

Submission 48 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Submission from the Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA). Review of the National School Reform Agreement (NSRA). June, 2022. -o0o-. An NSRA for Reform. The NSRA can be a tool for reform. In this submission, the Australian Primary

Date received: 5 Jul 2022

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