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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Australian Parents Council (APC) (PDF - 284k)

Submission 8 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Submission for the 2022 Productivity Commission Review into the National School Reform Agreement. The Australian Parents Council (APC) thanks the Productivity Commission for the opportunity to participate in this. review and puts forth the following

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

National School Resourcing Board (PDF - 391k)

Submission 22 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Dear Mr Brennan, Dr Roberts, and Ms Siegel-Brown. Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Review of the National School Reform. Agreement. The National School Resourcing Board (‘the Board’) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission. to

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

The Smith Family (PDF - 250k)

Submission 29 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

1. Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Review of the National School Reform Agreement. June 2022. Contact Anne Hampshire Head of Research and Advocacy The Smith Family GPO Box 10500 SYDNEY NSW 2001. ygoss. Cross-Out. PRODUCTIVITY

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

Australian Learning Lecture (ALL) (PDF - 428k)

Submission 2 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Submission from Australian Learning Lecture (ALL) 1. REVIEW OF THE NATIONAL SCHOOL REFORM AGREEMENT Submission from Australian Learning Lecture (ALL) This submission is from the Australian Learning Lecture1, in conjunction with Tom Greenwell and

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

Independent Education Union of Australia (IEUA) (PDF - 259k)

Submission 15 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

1. IEU Submission Productivity Commission Review of the National School Reform Agreement. 17 June 2022. SUBMISSION COVER SHEET. Independent Education Union of Australia. Review of the National School Reform Agreement. Call for Submissions Paper 17

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

Victorian Government (PDF - 439k)

Submission 31 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Productivity Commission Review of the National School Reform Agreement. Victorian Government submission. © State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training) 2022. Productivity Commission Review of the National School Reform Agreement:

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) (PDF - 295k)

Submission 7 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

NCEC National Schools Reform Agreement Submission 1 of 12. NCEC National Schools Reform Agreement Submission Introduction The National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Productivity

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

Teachers’ Work in Schools Research Group (PDF - 356k)

Submission 16 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

1. Productivity Commission Review of National School Reform Agreement – Submission from the Teachers’Work in Schools Research Team. Associate Professor Rachel Wilson, Sydney School of Education &Social Work, University of Sydney W:

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

Dr John Halsey (PDF - 295k)

Submission 10 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

AGPC Submission Review National School Reform. 1 Date. Submission to: AGPC Commissioners re the Review of the National School Reform. Agreement. From: Dr John Halsey, Emeritus Professor, Flinders University. Date: 16 June 2022. The AGPC Task. The

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

Government of Western Australia (PDF - 279k)

Submission 19 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

D22/0453917. Submission to the Review of the National School Reform Agreement Government of Western Australia. D22/0453917 2 17 June 2022. Contents Overview. 3 . Western Australian context. 4 Developments since the NSRA was signed. 9 Investment

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

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