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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Insurance Council of Australia (PDF - 87k)

Submission 162 for National Workers' Compensation And Occupational Health And Safety Frameworks View full list

Dallas Booth Deputy Chief Executive. INSURANCE COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA. A. Insurance Council of Australia Limited ABN 50 005 617 318 Level 3 56 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia. Telephone: 61 2 9253 5100 or 1300 728 228 Facsimile: 61 2 9253 5111.

Date received: 25 Aug 2003

Victorian Government # (PDF - 199k)

Submission 164 for National Workers' Compensation And Occupational Health And Safety Frameworks View full list

Victorian Government Submission. Productivity Commission Inquiry into “National. Workers’Compensation and Occupational Health and Safety Frameworks”. 15 August 2003. Government of Victoria. 15 August 2003 1. Table of Contents. 1 Executive

Date received: 25 Aug 2003

Self-Insurers Association of Victoria # (PDF - 545k)

Submission 163 for National Workers' Compensation And Occupational Health And Safety Frameworks View full list

Self Insurers Association of Victoria Inc. Submission. Productivity Commission Inquiry into National Workers Compensation and Occupational. Health &Safety Frameworks. August 2003. . Self Insurers Association of Victoria - Productivity Commission -

Date received: 25 Aug 2003

OT Australia - Queensland # (PDF - 57k)

Submission 159 for National Workers' Compensation And Occupational Health And Safety Frameworks View full list

Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into National Workers’Compensation and. Occupational Health &Safety Frameworks. Our Submission. . !"# $% &. Our Interest. ' ( . ') . $'. / , ,. , , , &. ', &. . , ' , , . ') , . &0&1 2

Date received: 22 Aug 2003

Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association # (PDF - 1202k)

Submission 160 for National Workers' Compensation And Occupational Health And Safety Frameworks View full list

. ! 22 August 2003. Contact George Hallwood: Effective Consulting and Rehabilitation, 36 Beulah Rd, Norwood SA 5067. Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association - Productivity Commission – Submission. Page 2.

Date received: 22 Aug 2003

CFMEU Mining and Energy (PDF - 28k)

Submission 153 for National Workers' Compensation And Occupational Health And Safety Frameworks View full list

Postal Address: PO Box Q1641, Sydney NSW 1230, Australia. CFMEU Mining and Energy. Telephone: (61.2) 9267 1035 Level 1, 365 Sussex Street Facsimile: (61.2) 9267 3198 Sydney NSW 2000. 15 August 2003. Fax No: 02 6240 3311. Workers Compensation and

Date received: 15 Aug 2003

Recovre (PDF - 45k)

Submission 157 for National Workers' Compensation And Occupational Health And Safety Frameworks View full list

SSuubbmmiissssiioonn ttoo tthhee PPrroodduuccttiivviittyy CCoommmmiissssiioonn’’ss RReevviieeww OOnn. WWoorrkkeerrss CCoommppeennssaattiioonn aanndd OOccccuuppaattiioonnaall HHeeaalltthh aanndd SSaaffeettyy FFrraammeewwoorrkkss. bbyy. An

Date received: 15 Aug 2003

Woolworths Limited (PDF - 24k)

Submission 156 for National Workers' Compensation And Occupational Health And Safety Frameworks View full list

WOOLWORTHS. FURTHER SUBMISSION TO THE NATIONAL WORKERS’COMPENSATION AND OHS FRAMEWORK INQUIRY. Woolworths has previously provided a written submission to the Inquiry, and were also represented at the public hearing in Sydney on 24‘h June. At the

Date received: 15 Aug 2003

Coles Myers Ltd (PDF - 43k)

Submission 155 for National Workers' Compensation And Occupational Health And Safety Frameworks View full list

800 Toorak Road Tooronga Victoria 3146 Australia. PO Box 2000 Glen Iris Victoria 3146 Telephone (03) 9829 3111 Facsimile (03) 9829 6787. Internet ABN 11 004 089 936. 15th August 2003. Submission to the Productivity Commission

Date received: 15 Aug 2003

Queensland Government (PDF - 123k)

Submission 154 for National Workers' Compensation And Occupational Health And Safety Frameworks View full list

Queensland Government. Mr H Plunkett Assistant Commissioner Workers’Compensation and OH&S Inquiry Productivity Commission PO Box 80 BELCONNEN ACT 2616. Dear Mr Plunkett. I refer to your request for submissions with respect to the Productivity

Date received: 15 Aug 2003

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