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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Tablelands Regional Council (PDF - 447k)

Submission DR146 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

TaRC Review of Productivity Commission Draft Report Recommendations. Risk Register tor. Productive y Commission Omit Report Recommendations. Comernts mem Wahl initial Value,. Ise Fenelktynent omit eneenseintoe wren Rash Likelhood Consequent. Risk

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

IPWEA Joint Submission (PDF - 1078k)

Submission DR181 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

. . . IPWEA Joint Submission on the Productivity . Commission Inquiry on Natural Disaster Funding . Arrangements (Draft Report September 2014) . . Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia &. Institute of Public Works

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

Suncorp (PDF - 307k)

Submission DR176 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

Suncorp Group Limited. ABN: 66 145 290 124. Level 28, 266 George St Brisbane QLD 4000. GPO Box 3999 Sydney NSW 2001. 21 October 2014 Jonathan Coppel and Karen Chester Commissioners Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

Far North QLD Regional Organisation of Councils (PDF - 343k)

Submission DR148 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

FNQROC submission to the Productivity Commission’s draft report on Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements Page 1 of 17. 21st October 2014. Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins St East Melbourne Vic 8003.

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

Phillip Stace (PDF - 655k)

Submission DR135 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

20th October 2014. PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION — DRAFT REPORT— INSURANCE AND NATURAL DISASTERS. Dear Sir/Madam,. I refer to the above mentioned document and thank you for the opportunity to respond. I wish to focus purely on the comments and issues

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

QLD Govt (PDF - 753k)

Submission DR184 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

Queensland Government. Response to the Draft Report. Productivity Commission. Inquiry. Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements. October 2014. Queensland Government Response Productivity Commission Inquiry into natural disaster funding arrangements.

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

LGAQ (PDF - 1637k)

Submission DR188 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

Submission to the. Productivity Commission Inquiry. Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements. on the. Draft Report released 25 September 2014. Local Government Association of Queensland. October 2014. LGAQ Submission October 2014 Inquiry into Natural

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

Cook Shire Council (PDF - 123k)

Submission DR128 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

Our ref: SJW:sw Your ref: Nil. 19th October 2014. Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins St East Melbourne Vic 8003. Dear Sir/Madam,. Submission to the Draft Report - Inquiry into Natural Disaster Funding

Date received: 20 Oct 2014

Max Margetts and Associates (PDF - 149k)

Submission DR129 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

Max Margetts &Associates URBAN DESIGNERS TOWN CENTRE &TOURISM MASTERPLANNERS. 19 October 2014 Max Margetts &Associates 12 Grade Road. KELMSCOTT WA 6111 Natural Disaster Funding Inquiry Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins Street East

Date received: 20 Oct 2014

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