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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Hosted Accommodation Australia Ltd (PDF - 19k)

Submission 13 for Performance Benchmarking Of Australian Business Regulation: Role Of Local Government As Regulator View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission enquiry into Business Regulation Benchmarking-Role of Local Government Hosted Accommodation Australia Ltd formerly Bed &Breakfast, Farmstay and Accommodation Australia Ltd is the peak industry body representing

Date received: 31 Oct 2011

Accommodation Association of Australia (PDF - 83k)

Submission 17 for Performance Benchmarking Of Australian Business Regulation: Role Of Local Government As Regulator View full list

Productivity Commission Study. Business Regulation Benchmarking –. Role of Local Government. Submission of the Accommodation. Association of Australia. Business Regulation Benchmarking; Role of Local Government – Submission of Accommodation

Date received: 31 Oct 2011

Mobile Carriers Forum (PDF - 269k)

Submission 14 for Performance Benchmarking Of Australian Business Regulation: Role Of Local Government As Regulator View full list

1. 31 October 2011 Dr Warren Mundy, Performance Benchmarking Australian Business Regulation, Productivity Commission, PO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 By Email: Dear Dr Mundy, Re: Business Regulation Benchmarking: Role of Local

Date received: 31 Oct 2011

Australian Logistics Council (PDF - 699k)

Submission 15 for Performance Benchmarking Of Australian Business Regulation: Role Of Local Government As Regulator View full list

P1. SubmiSSion ALC RESPonSE To THE PRoDuCTiViTY CommiSSion iSSuES PAPER. buSinESS REGuLATion bEnCHmARKinG – RoLE oF LoCAL GoVERnmEnT. OCTOBER 2011. P2. Who We are. The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) is the peak national body for Australia’s

Date received: 31 Oct 2011

Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (PDF - 421k)

Submission 21 for Performance Benchmarking Of Australian Business Regulation: Role Of Local Government As Regulator View full list

Performance Benchmarking Australian Business Regulation Productivity Commission PO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. By email: 31 October 2011. Dear Sir / Madam,. Performance Benchmarking— The Role of Local Government as a

Date received: 31 Oct 2011

NSW Business Chamber (PDF - 503k)

Submission 11 for Performance Benchmarking Of Australian Business Regulation: Role Of Local Government As Regulator View full list

27 October 2011. ATT: Dr Warren Mundy, Commissioner. Business Regulation Benchmarking- Role of Local Government Productivity Commission PO BOX 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 Dear Commissioner, The NSW Business Chamber (NSWBC) welcomes the work of the

Date received: 21 Oct 2011

Australian Trucking Association (PDF - 700k)

Submission 8 for Performance Benchmarking Of Australian Business Regulation: Role Of Local Government As Regulator View full list

Minter Ellison Building, 25 National Circuit, Forrest ACT 2603 P 02 6253 6900 F 02 6253 6999 E W Submission to: The Productivity Commission. Title: Business Regulation Benchmarking: Role of Local Government

Date received: 21 Oct 2011

CPA Australia (PDF - 36k)

Submission 7 for Performance Benchmarking Of Australian Business Regulation: Role Of Local Government As Regulator View full list

CPA Australia Ltd ABN 64 008 392 452 Level 20, 28 Freshwater Place Southbank VIC 3006 Australia GPO Box 2820 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Phone 1300 737 373 Outside Aust 613 9606 9677 Website 20 October 2011 Dr Warren Mundy

Date received: 20 Oct 2011

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