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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Inter Church Commission on Religious Education in Schools (PDF - 223k)

Submission 587 for Philanthropy View full list

INTER-CHURCH COMMISSION ON RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS (NSW) Inc. ABN: 77 606 626 726 Incorpora on No. INC9875780. c/- Chancery, CCD St Martha's, 38 Renwick Street Leichhardt NSW 2040. Email 31 January 2024. The dra7

Date received: 9 Feb 2024

Freedom for Faith (PDF - 406k)

Submission 606 for Philanthropy View full list

1. 9 February 2024. Productivity Commission. Level 8, Two Melbourne Quarter. 697 Collins Street. Docklands Vic 3008, Australia. By website. Submission on the Draft Report into Philanthropy. Who are we? 1. This submission is on behalf of, and

Date received: 9 Feb 2024

BDO Services Pty Ltd (PDF - 306k)

Submission 718 for Philanthropy View full list

Tel: 61 2 9251 4100 Fax: 61 2 9240 9821 Level 11, 1 Margaret Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia. BDO Services Pty Ltd ABN 45 134 242 434 is a member of a national association of independent entities which are all members of BDO

Date received: 9 Feb 2024

Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (PDF - 739k)

Submission 406 for Philanthropy View full list

Royal Flying Doctor Service T 02 6269 5500 PO Box 4350 E Kingston ACT 2604 W Australia. 09 February 2024. Submission to Productivity Commission. Response to draft report February 2024. Submission on

Date received: 9 Feb 2024

Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) (PDF - 1064k)

Submission 565 for Philanthropy View full list

A U S T R A L I A N G O V E R N M E N T P R O D U C T I V I T Y C O M M I S S I O N. REVIEW OF PHILANTHROPY Response to the Productivity Commission Draft Report. Final submission by the Australian Sports Foundation. 09 February 2024. Productivity

Date received: 9 Feb 2024

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (PDF - 671k)

Submission 706 for Philanthropy View full list

AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS CONFERENCE THE PRESIDENT. 9 February 2024. Philanthropy Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. Dear Commissioners. Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Philanthropy. The

Date received: 9 Feb 2024

Philanthropy Australia (PA) (PDF - 478k)

Submission 595 for Philanthropy View full list

Philanthropy australia’s submission to the productivity commission FINAL

Date received: 9 Feb 2024

Micah and Ashleigh Sheath (PDF - 149k)

Submission 671 for Philanthropy View full list

Date received: 8 Feb 2024

Miriam Palmer (PDF - 51k)

Submission 556 for Philanthropy View full list

Philanthropy Report public enquiry:. I would like to speak on behalf of students having SRE lessons in schools. At present you wish to remove. the DGR status from these organisations yet you say you want to empower more philanthropy across.

Date received: 8 Feb 2024

Caleb Knight (PDF - 61k)

Submission 563 for Philanthropy View full list

I do not support the recommendation to revoke DGR Status for Religious Education in Government Schools (RIGS) funds, on the apparent basis that Special Religious Education (SRE) has little ‘community-wide benefit’. This overlooks the high levels

Date received: 8 Feb 2024

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