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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Better Balanced Futures (PDF - 398k)

Submission 508 for Philanthropy View full list

REPRESENTING THE INTERESTS OF FA ITH COMMUNIT IES. Supplementary Data and Academic Research. RE: Productivity Commission draft report into Philanthropy, with a focus on DGR status recommendations. In response to our previous submission, as well as

Date received: 15 Feb 2024

Comments 1 to 199 (PDF - 332k)

Submission C1 for Philanthropy View full list

Philanthropy. 1. Brief comments received (1 to 199). No. Comment. 1 Some years ago the Australian film industry was in poor shape and the Government put up a scheme invest $1 in a film (Aust local) and you got a $1.50 tax deduction. I. believe such

Date received: 15 Feb 2024

Comments 200 to 399 (PDF - 365k)

Submission C2 for Philanthropy View full list

Philanthropy. 1. Brief comments received (200 to 399). No. Comment. 200 I support religious education in schools it sets a moral standard that children would not get on the TV of anywhere else. 201. Dear Karen, This is a very short sighted govt

Date received: 15 Feb 2024

Comments 1200 to 1399 (PDF - 435k)

Submission C7 for Philanthropy View full list

Philanthropy. 1. OFFICIAL. Brief comments received. No. Comment. 1200 Please keep support of Special Relgious Education SRE funded in our public schools. 1201 Why are you attacking philanthropy when it comes to religious organisations and not other

Date received: 15 Feb 2024

Comments 800 to 999 (PDF - 442k)

Submission C5 for Philanthropy View full list

Philanthropy. 1. OFFICIAL. Brief comments received. No. Comment. 800 In my opinion experiences gained from our community learning SRE education Hindu scripture changes the children , future generations with faith. Trust. avoiding bad behaviours.

Date received: 15 Feb 2024

Comments 600 to 799 (PDF - 443k)

Submission C4 for Philanthropy View full list

Philanthropy. 1. OFFICIAL. Brief comments received. No. Comment. 600 Dear Commissioner, There are not enough words to describe how impactful and supportive it is to have religious education and lunchtime groups in. schools. During stressful exam

Date received: 15 Feb 2024

Comments 1000 to 1199 (PDF - 494k)

Submission C6 for Philanthropy View full list

Philanthropy. 1. OFFICIAL. Brief comments received. No. Comment. 1000 I urge the government to retain DGR status for Religious education in schools. These religions encompass many different faiths apart from Christianity. and include Hindi, Muslim

Date received: 15 Feb 2024

Comments 1400 to 1593 (PDF - 492k)

Submission C8 for Philanthropy View full list

Philanthropy. 1. Brief comments received. No. Comment. 1400 I ask you to consider the financial impact on the government when faith based schools are no longer able to operate because you are making a choice to. remove this. The cost of living now

Date received: 15 Feb 2024

Comments 400 to 599 (PDF - 492k)

Submission C3 for Philanthropy View full list

Philanthropy. 1. Brief comments received (400 to 599). No. Comment. 400 My donation to Scripture Union and similar organisations helps to ensure at least some form of moral education and compassionate care to those who are struggling. Scripture

Date received: 15 Feb 2024

Dr Katrina Haller (PDF - 358k)

Submission 507 for Philanthropy View full list

l. /. ,. t, J;------1:;.<.-c.:.:::.=.::==---i---==::::::.L.:.::=:::; zJ-A r.s;:,, w. Page 1. Page 2.

Date received: 14 Feb 2024

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