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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Brendan Firth (PDF - 56k)

Submission 292 for Philanthropy View full list

22/01/24. Dear Karen Godfrey. Re Current Philanthropy Enquiry. Dear Karen,. It is with considerable concern that I write regarding the draft report and overview of the enquiry. into Philanthropy. While I recognize this is only a suggestion, I find

Date received: 22 Jan 2024

Name withheld (PDF - 262k)

Submission 752 for Philanthropy View full list

Dear Karen,. Re the Proposal “Produc vity Commission “Future Founda ons for giving”– which is just a thinly masked repeated a empt to reduce funding to private schooling. Private support for educa on has always been a valuable contribu on

Date received: 22 Jan 2024

Rick Grosse (PDF - 45k)

Submission 295 for Philanthropy View full list

Dear Commissioners. I am a tax professional supporting the private education and welfare sectors and would like to respectfully submit my views on one or two of the recommendations in your draft report. The terms of reference of your enquiry note

Date received: 22 Jan 2024

Russell Mead (PDF - 82k)

Submission 287 for Philanthropy View full list

Dear Commissioner, It has come to my attention that a proposal has been made to cut Government funding to faith-based schools &aged cares. I have read much of the report &while I find I do not disagree with a lot of what has been written, I do

Date received: 22 Jan 2024

Name withheld (PDF - 115k)

Submission 286 for Philanthropy View full list

1 -. To the Productivity Commissioners attending:. I write to advise my disturbance with the draft Future Foundations for Giving Report recommendation to eliminate existing income tax deductibility arrangements relating to private education and the

Date received: 22 Jan 2024

Australian Christian Churches (PDF - 279k)

Submission 285 for Philanthropy View full list

SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INQUIRY INTO PHILANTHROPY. Prepared by Pastor Mark Edwards, OAM on behalf of Australian Christian Churches. January 2024. Australian Government Productivity Commission. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1.

Date received: 22 Jan 2024

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney (PDF - 499k)

Submission 294 for Philanthropy View full list

1. Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney. 22 January 2024. Submission to the Produc vity Commission Inquiry into Philanthropy. 1. This submission is made on behalf of Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney (the Diocese). The Diocese is one of twenty three

Date received: 22 Jan 2024

Nanango Christian Faith Centre Inc (PDF - 169k)

Submission 751 for Philanthropy View full list

Submission to: Australian Government Productivity Commission (Response to: Future Foundations for Giving – Draft report) – 20th January 2024. To whom it may concern,. Please consider the following as an official submission from the Nanango

Date received: 20 Jan 2024

Gary Brown (PDF - 84k)

Submission 289 for Philanthropy View full list

To: Productivity Commission. Re: Concerns about Removal of DGR Status from Private Schools. As a concerned parent and community member, I am writing to express my concerns about the. proposed removal of Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status for

Date received: 19 Jan 2024

David McKay (PDF - 34k)

Submission 288 for Philanthropy View full list

17 January 2024. Submission to the Productivity Commission. I write as a concerned Australian small business owner, with grandchildren and friends who attend faith-based schools. For some years our business has financially supported these schools

Date received: 19 Jan 2024

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