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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Duncan Robinson (PDF - 54k)

Submission 280 for Philanthropy View full list

Philanthropy Inquiry. I’ve worked 20 years in the Not-For-Profit sector both here and in the USA. I’ve partnered and worked with over 50 charities both locally and abroad. Australia already has some of the most stringent policies as they related

Date received: 13 Jan 2024

Damian Earl (PDF - 22k)

Submission 278-001 for Philanthropy View full list

Dear Karen,. RE: Productivity Commission ‘Future foundations for giving’draft report. I have read the draft report with interest. Whilst there are some good findings and recommendations, I am concerned about the recommendations for deductible

Date received: 12 Jan 2024

Professor Tony Ciro and Dr Bulend Terzioglu (PDF - 239k)

Submission 409 for Philanthropy View full list

Australian Government. Productivity Commission. Philanthropy Inquiry. Future foundations for giving Draft Report. 5 February 2024. Professor Tony Ciro and Dr Bülend Terzioglu, welcome the opportunity to provide a submission to the Productivity

Date received: 9 Jan 2024

National Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (PDF - 180k)

Submission 416 for Philanthropy View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Philanthropy p. 1 of 6. Friday, February 9, 2024. Philanthropy Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 Dear Commissioners Submission into the Productivity Commission

Date received: 9 Jan 2024

Max Bourke AM (PDF - 103k)

Submission 277 for Philanthropy View full list

Productivity Commission Report on the Inquiry into Philanthropy. BACKGROUND. I have been involved closely with both philanthropy and volunteering for over 60 years. At times I have. chaired or been on the board of both not-for-profits (approximately

Date received: 7 Jan 2024

Associate Professor Dr Alex Deagon; Associate Professor Dr Mark Fowler (PDF - 252k)

Submission 276 for Philanthropy View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission Draft Report on Philanthropy. Dr Alex Deagon. Associate Professor, School of Law. Queensland University of Technology. (Submitting in a personal capacity). Dr Mark Fowler. Adjunct Associate Professor, School of

Date received: 4 Jan 2024

Jessica Bukowski (PDF - 157k)

Submission 275 for Philanthropy View full list

1. Jessica Bukowski. Commissioner Julie Abramson C/O Karen Godfrey Productivity Commission Dear Karen I recently completed a post-graduate research assignment on the philanthropic motivations of Charles (Chuck) Feeney AC. I

Date received: 28 Jul 2023

Philanthropy Australia (PA) supplementary submission (PDF - 598k)

Submission 274 for Philanthropy View full list

document subtitle 2

Date received: 19 Jul 2023

3arc Social (PDF - 225k)

Submission 272 for Philanthropy View full list

Review of Philanthropy:. Trends and Motivations for Giving in Australia A report prepared by 3arc Social to assist in the work of the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into philanthropic giving in Australia. July 2023. 3arc Social. W:

Date received: 5 Jul 2023

Community Foundations Australia (CFA) and Philanthropy Australia (PA) (PDF - 1340k)

Submission 273 for Philanthropy View full list

The opportunity to grow Australia's community foundation network: A strategic roadmap. Joint Submission from Community Foundations Australia and Philanthropy Australia to the Productivity Commission’s Philanthropy Inquiry | July 2023. How

Date received: 5 Jul 2023

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