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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Dr Natalie Silver (PDF - 274k)

Submission 260 for Philanthropy View full list

Sydney Law School Room 407, New Law Building The University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia. T 61 2 8627 6018 F 61 2 9351 0200. ABN 15 211 513 464 CRICOS 00026A. 19 May 2023. Ms Karen Godfrey Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA

Date received: 22 May 2023

Independent Schools Australia (ISA) (PDF - 337k)

Submission 250 for Philanthropy View full list

ISA SUBMISSION - PC PHILANTHROPY.DOCX / 22-MAY-23 1/4. PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION – REVIEW OF PHILANTHROPY DATE MAY 2023. 1. ABOUT ISA. Independent Schools Australia (ISA) is the national peak body representing the Independent school sector. It

Date received: 22 May 2023

Business Council of Australia (BCA) (PDF - 174k)

Submission 252 for Philanthropy View full list

BCA Submission

Date received: 22 May 2023

Office for the Arts (PDF - 341k)

Submission 251 for Philanthropy View full list

Input – Departmental submission in the Productivity Commission’s Review of Philanthropy. OFFICE FOR THE ARTS. Departmental Submission into the Productivity Commission’s Review of Philanthropy. The Office for the Arts is a division of the

Date received: 22 May 2023

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) (PDF - 311k)

Submission 256 for Philanthropy View full list

1 | P a g e. 1. Productivity Commission Submission. Philanthropy Inquiry May 2023. 2 | P a g e. 2. Introduction The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) is a top-ranked young university in Australia. Our vision is to be a leading public university

Date received: 22 May 2023

JBWere (PDF - 215k)

Submission 249 for Philanthropy View full list

Adelaide Brisbane Canberra Melbourne Perth Sydney Auckland Christchurch Wellington. ABN 68 137 978 360 AFSL 341162. PUTTING WEALTH TO WORK FOR GENERATIONS. 19 May 2023 Productivity Commission Attention: Karen Godfrey Via: Online Submission. Dear

Date received: 22 May 2023

Philanthropic Consulting Services (PDF - 78k)

Submission 248 for Philanthropy View full list

SUBMISSION Philanthropic Consulting Services is pleased to be able to make a submission to the Productivity. Commission’s review of philanthropic giving in Australia. MOTIVATION FOR GIVING &OPPORTUNITIES. It appears that the review has taken a

Date received: 21 May 2023

Bruce and Ann McGregor (PDF - 167k)

Submission 247 for Philanthropy View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission Review into Philanthropy. Bruce and Ann McGregor. Brunswick, Victoria. We welcome your Review into Philanthropy with the stated purposes of understanding the reasons. for giving, and the intention to

Date received: 21 May 2023

Mark Fowler (PDF - 557k)

Submission 268 for Philanthropy View full list

1 | P a g e. Submission to the Australian Government, Productivity Commission. Review of Philanthropy Discussion Paper. Mark Fowler. Principal, Fowler Charity Law Pty Ltd. Adjunct Associate Professor, Law School, University of New England. Research

Date received: 20 May 2023

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