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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Industry Super Australia (PDF - 1312k)

Submission DR150 for Public Infrastructure View full list

07/04/2014. About Industry Super Australia. Industry Super Australia (ISA) is an umbrella organisation for the industry super movement. ISA. manages collective projects on behalf of a number of industry super funds with the objective of. maximising

Date received: 5 Apr 2014

Housing Industry Association (HIA) (PDF - 89k)

Submission DR173 for Public Infrastructure View full list

4 April 2014 Productivity Commission Level 12, 530 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia The Housing Industry Association notes the Commission’s draft report on Public Infrastructure, released on 13 March 2014, and welcomes the opportunity

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

National Growth Areas Alliance (NGAA) (PDF - 46k)

Submission DR133 for Public Infrastructure View full list

1. PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION ENQUIRY INTO PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE. NATIONAL GROWTH AREAS ALLIANCE (NGAA). COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT REPORT. Introduction NGAA strongly agrees that the Australian Government is the best placed level of Government to fund

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Professionals Australia (PDF - 115k)

Submission DR142 for Public Infrastructure View full list

GPO Box 1272, Melbourne, Victoria 3001. Professionals Australia, formerly the Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia (APESMA). ABN 99 589 872 974. T 1300 273 762 • W • E

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

NSW Business Chamber (PDF - 653k)

Submission DR148 for Public Infrastructure View full list

4 April 2014 Mr Peter Harris AO Chairman Public Infrastructure Inquiry Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East MELBOURNE VIC8003 By email: Dear Mr Harris, Thank you for the opportunity to make comment on

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Action for Public Transport NSW (PDF - 34k)

Submission DR152 for Public Infrastructure View full list

1. 1. Action for Public Transport (NSW). PO Box K606. Haymarket NSW 1240. Submission to Productivity Commission inquiry into public infrastructure funding. Introduction. Action for Public Transport is a transport consumer

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

AEC Connect (PDF - 543k)

Submission DR126 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Dominik Holzer | 44 Clauscen Street | Fitzroy North, VIC 3068 |. RESPONSE TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION DRAFT REPORT INTO PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE 31 March 2014. INTRODUCTION:. The Productivity Commission is to be commended for establishing the draft

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Sine Iactura Pty Limited (PDF - 90k)

Submission DR153 for Public Infrastructure View full list

SSSIIINNNEEE IIIAAACCCTTTUUURRRAAA PPPtttyyy LLLiiimmmiiittteeeddd 111222000222///222 QQQuuuaaayyy SSStttrrreeeeeettt SSSyyydddnnneeeyyy 222000000000. ABN 79 139 153 692. website : Phone 61 2 9211 8840 MEMBER HAYMARKET CHAMBER of

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

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