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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party (PDF - 166k)

Submission DR149 for Public Infrastructure View full list

General Comments. • Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party (AMEP) supports the need for the report prepared by the Productivity Commission. • AMEP acknowledges the budgetary pressures that are influencing long term and social infrastructure

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

National Transport Commission (NTC) (PDF - 124k)

Submission DR129 for Public Infrastructure View full list A.B.N 67 890 861 578 1. Level 15 / 628 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000. P 61 3 9236 5000 F 61 3 9642 8922. 4 April 2014 Mr Peter Harris AO Chairman Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East Melbourne, Victoria, 8003

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) (PDF - 150k)

Submission DR144 for Public Infrastructure View full list

RICS is the world’s leading professional qualification for professionals in land, property and construction. The designation “RICS”stands for professional excellence and integrity and it is why over 100 000 property professionals have

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

National Australia Bank (PDF - 71k)

Submission DR124 for Public Infrastructure View full list

1. National Australia Bank Ltd. ABN 12 004 044 937. 800 Bourke Street. Docklands VIC 3008. AUSTRALIA. 4 April 2014. Productivity Commission. Public Infrastructure Inquiry. Attention:Attention:Attention:Attention: Mr Peter

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia - Qld Division (PDF - 71k)

Submission DR141 for Public Infrastructure View full list

PO Box 2100, Fortitude Valley BC, QLD 4006, Australia  ABN 84 244 523 855 4/43-49 Sandgate Road, Albion QLD 4010, Australia Telephone (07) 3632 6800  Facsimile (07) 3632 6899  Email:  Website

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) (PDF - 84k)

Submission DR137 for Public Infrastructure View full list

APRIL 2014. Submission to the Productivity Commission on. the Draft Report - Public Infrastructure. Page | 2. The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) appreciates the opportunity to make this submission on the Productivity Commission’s

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

buildingSmart (PDF - 313k)

Submission DR170 for Public Infrastructure View full list

1. buildingSMART Australasia Incorporated. C/- 16 Sophia Street. Kingston TAS 7050. 4 April 2014. Inquiry into Public Infrastructure. Productivity Commission. LB2 Collins Street East. Melbourne VIC 8003. Via email: Dear

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Western Australian Local Government Association (PDF - 314k)

Submission DR154 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Interim Submission to the Productivity Commission. Draft Report on Public Infrastructure. April 2014. Contact: Paul Schollum Western Australian Local Government Association 15 Altona Street, West Perth, WA 6005 P.O. Box 1544, West Perth, WA 6872 T:

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Assured Guaranty (PDF - 145k)

Submission DR128 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Follow Up Submission to Productivity Commission. Inquiry into Funding Australian Infrastructure. April, 2014 . This submission follows Assured Guaranty’s original

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Norton Rose Fulbright (PDF - 47k)

Submission DR134 for Public Infrastructure View full list

APAC-#22255121-v3 © Norton Rose Fulbright Australia1. Productivity Commission Public Infrastructure. Norton Rose Fulbright Australia. Reponses to Draft Report. April 2014. Contacts: Jo Crew James Morgan-Payler. Norton Rose Fulbright Australia ABN

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

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