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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Carol O'Donnell (PDF - 52k)

Submission DR167 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Please see submission below with particular reference to the PC Draft Recommendation 14.1, and related discussions attached. I would be grateful if you would post me a copy of the final PC report. Thanks, Carol O'Donnell, St James Court, 10/11

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Local Government Infrastructure Services Pty Ltd (PDF - 159k)

Submission DR155 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Local Government Infrastructure Services Pty Ltd. ACN 115 959 021 GPO Box 1163 Brisbane QLD 4001. T: 07 3842 4700 4 April 2014 Public Infrastructure Inquiry Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins Street East Melbourne VIC 8003

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

BusinessSA (PDF - 3112k)

Submission DR136 for Public Infrastructure View full list

ABN 14 725 309 328 136 Greenhill Road Unley SA 5061 Telephone 08 8300 0103 Fax 08 8300 0204. BusinessSA South Australia's Chamber of Commerce and lndunry Email 4 April2014. Public Infrastructure

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Autodesk (PDF - 492k)

Submission DR130 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Public Infrastructure Inquiry Productivity Commission LB2 Collins Street East Melbourne VIC 8003 Australia 4 April 2014 Dear Sir/Madam, We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to respond via a public submission to the Productivity

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Property Council of Australia (PDF - 299k)

Submission DR131 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Property Council of Australia. Property Council of Australia House. Level 1, 11 Barrack Street. Sydney NSW 2000. P: 61 (2) 9033 1900. F: 61 (2) 9033 1966. ABN 13 008 474 422. E: 4 April 2014. Public

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Prof Graeme Hodge (PDF - 109k)

Submission DR151 for Public Infrastructure View full list

1. Friday, 4 April 2014 Public Infrastructure Inquiry Productivity Commission LB2 Collins St East MELBOURNE VIC 8003. Dear Sir,. Productivity Commission Draft Report of Public Infrastructure. I write to comment on the draft Productivity Commission

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Dr Jane O’Sullivan (PDF - 77k)

Submission DR156 for Public Infrastructure View full list

1. Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into. Infrastructure provision and funding in Australia. Dr. Jane O’Sullivan This submission is in response to the draft report of the Productivity Commission’s Public Infrastructure report.

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Gerard de Valence (PDF - 209k)

Submission DR140 for Public Infrastructure View full list

. RESPONSE TO THE DRAFT REPORT ON PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE. Gerard de Valence The key finding of the draft report is the need for better decision making in project selection, funding, financing and the delivery of infrastructure services and, in

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC) (PDF - 757k)

Submission DR147 for Public Infrastructure View full list

SUBMISSION TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INFRASTRUCTURE INQUIRY APRIL . TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary . Background . Infrastructure financing . Characteris cs of the Australian Bond Market . Factors limi

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) (PDF - 255k)

Submission DR139 for Public Infrastructure View full list

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Limited ABN 29 002 786 290 ACN 002 786 290 Level 6, 66 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 PO Box 1485, Sydney NSW 2001 t: 02 9264 9300 (1800 812 798 outside Sydney) f: 1300 926 484 w:

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

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